More mech ideas
This mech is called grappleshot. It's a 32 energy mech with the ability grappler mines. This ability lets you lay down 4 mines anytime. When activated, it will hook onto the enemy mech standing on it and will prevent them from moving. It deals a small amount of dmg as it shreds the mech to latch on. This makes the mech good for close quarters as if you're laying the mines, you might as well stay at the location to ambush them once they're trapped. This mech is quite durable and has a slight amount of hp more than gatecrasher. It has a speed relative to cheeta as well making it able to slink away from situations faster than most mechs. The implants include grappler mine trapping time and grappler mine dmg. This also prevents enemies from using abilities but you can fire your weaponry but you can't turn so it is kinda obsolete.