Deleting my thread to hide your utter incompetence in fixing the AI issue isnt going to make this problem go away.
5 Kills to 13 - How are you this bad at your job. You need to fire your AI programers they do not know how to do their job.
Not one but TWO bots ending with a ZERO-ZERO score. Your AI programers need to be fired. They have swindled you into beliving they actually know how to program.
This would have been a good match if someone had bothered to program the bots on my team to actually capture a CP. FIVE captures from enemy bots ZERO from mine. Did I mention you should probably fire your AI programers because they are utterly incompetent?
6 kills to 12
How does a bot go ZERO-ZERO. You need to fire your AI programers - they suck at thier job!
Not a single bot on my team actually remembered the objective is to capture CPs. Again YOU NEED TO FIRE YOUR AI PROGRAMERS THEY SUCK AT THEIR JOB!!!