Implant removal is too expensive
There has to be a way to adjust this to a much more fair cost as it is already expensive to earn implant parts.
It's Xmas and we're all out here without a discount after a few months.
If we really matter, throw us a bone and reevaluate the implant removal.
You speak about Ukraine but you treat your players like a bank without a soul.
Is this really where it comes to? Are we just money bags?
The implant removal has been. A key for all players to adjust and build different mech but even to test mechs, it costs over $100USD just to change a setup of a maxed legendary pilot build.
If this is what you call fair, don't virtue signal about Ukraine on us because this is just a money exploit you are doing.
As a part of the p2w community, I am sharing this to the devs. Are you making so much money that we may not have a voice?