This is opposite of true.
no wonder you have issues.
The bots have atrocious aim.
exploit that fact. they will miss for a while, so get behind cover or else. If you freeze one while its deliberately missing, you can circle it.
they are also dumb. Get close to. missile launchers and morters and outrange the abilities.
Get behind cover and shoot then behind.
they will miss.
they also use up there amo and keep shooting at like sheild wall and behind cover.
use that.
also. Cpc. They dumb. They will ignore you if you get behind cover. Just let them clobber the middle point and capture and run.
you can hit them, 'hide', reload and reability, and then hit them again.
knowing when to decaptire or both decapure theirs and capture is a must.
they not good.
you are doing something wrong.
there are rules.
if you have perfect aim with them, you stood or moved our in the open too long.
and yeah, if you played cpc against me you probably lost. I only loose when the power level is well beyond and im being dumb or trying new stuff.
dont expect the bots to do crap against me, i will ignore them or detroy them or let them kill me so i can do more damage with a now more apropriate mech.
trust me.
your just doing something wrong.
bots can are exploitable.
just learn how and dont stand there and let them get their perfect aim. They litterally act stupid for a set time until you stand there like a noob long enough. Yeah. They dont do crap because they get goals and targets. Maybe their target or goal is optimal and you should be where they are going or allready doing what they are trying. They are dumb and exploitable, but the stupidity is programmed in to compensate for perfect and instiantaneous optimal decisions. Whatch them, learn, understand, and predict them and understand what they are broadacsting.
you can litterally figure out what is going on where you cant see by watching their behavior.
and learn when so ething is a bad idea.
i avoid problem spots and just avoid where a guy would likely come around the corner and destroy me and destroy him. Learn feel what will happen and probability of behaving a certain way for a while.
if you sit there, expect a guy to sneek up with an ability and full arsenel to your back and you explode. If you get seen, and stand there, people and bots can plan to go across the map just for you. It will happen.
after all, if you think the bots have perfect aim, or quick action, you probably have been doing something way to long and someone might get the idea to cross the map to destroy you From begind yoir spawn point, and you spawn and loose your invaulnerability and crap.
you want bots to not spawn instantly on the control point your about to capture? Dont be visible and make sure all five guys are alive and busy before you go.