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Hello. Ho to change the control scheme on the key maping menue?

Hello. Ho to change the control scheme on the key maping menue?

2 листоп. 2022, 08:2902.11.22

Hello. Ho to change the control scheme on the key maping menue?

I cannot really play on my PC since big bruh destroyed my graphic card laster year. And I haven't been able to rerally play since then. Since my smartphone get overloaded too.

Bit Evene tehn I don't give up on playing. I have hope that I  will transfer my disco on a tower of fix the grpaic card bios (I dunno what is wrong with it) but when I acess the keymaping tool. I can ONLY SCONSULT THE CONTROLS.

I click on the individuals commands NADA NOTHING.



I am french and have an azerty keyboard, furtehrmroe I one of those rare plyaer who prefer the nuemric keypad. 

I cannot enoy the precision  that a PC offer. Because I can't adapt the contrôle scheme to my habits (and my PC focking crash when I play game I use to play.)

Can someone give me a tutorial to help me iwth that? Can I can run teh game for a few minuets without having my PC crashing.

2 листоп. 2022, 08:4002.11.22
2 листоп. 2022, 08:45(відредаговано)

P.S : I do have blue stack, but Meh, running the emulator plus the game is really me and changing the control scheme..... Even here it is kinda hard and clanky.

15 листоп. 2022, 16:5815.11.22
15 листоп. 2022, 16:59(відредаговано)

its not possible at the moment changing keys on pc says support

17 груд. 2022, 23:0717.12.22
17 груд. 2022, 23:08(відредаговано)

Did you try cleaning uo memory and making your computer better with methods not money?

yeah i would also sugest taking a screen shot in english, as i simply dont use pc.

The only thing i can tell you is that the aiming type is different. Wide is good for so ething, tpsnd the other is good for sniper, i got good in both, and started in wide aim.

i suggest fiddling around with your aim sensativity until you are good, using the bots in test area until you are ready with people. Then after you get good, change to another aim mode and readjust the aim settings after trying it on bots, then get good at it. Then good at different kinds of weapons with both with your aim settings and decide what wepons you like in what aiming mode and aiming settings with weapons. 

i suggest all that, because learning what is good for what weapons and then again with the different mode and chancpgindpg the aiming a bit helps you understand all of it.

you learn by comparison, and contrast. You might get get an apifinay if you use one type of aim mode and aim sensativity, and then switch to a different weapon and then find yourself understanding what weapons would be good for what sensativity And grasping it. Then again, you want to that again with the other aim type for full understanding. Then all that again real players in random situations.

after all that, you should understand what weapons you like, what sensitivity you like, and what aim mode.

you might find that clunky for you, is litterally different for each weapon and play style, so if you dont understand it all, you wont find the sweet spot for the weapons.

you might find that wide mode and shot guns on high sensativity is your calling, but what is also your calling is snipers or on low sensativity and the other aim type.

you might want allready know that you like hiding, or you like ramming people awith rockets in their back. If you know your playstyle, you want to find out what aiming settings for that playestyle.

if you dont know what you like, go through the whole process and learn what your good at and isnt clunky, then you might find yourself being a sniper but you are meelee dude and having to look up youtipube vidoes on how to hide behind cover from across the map and selcet targets and decide between lowering someones health and finishing someone off and sacrifice high kill count for causing the team to win and cutting up enemy amounts of troops againtpst your team when now its three on two and soon four when you are done reloading. And oops, two dies, on of you and one of him, and oh know you are capturing s controle point and are one up and they have to walk one at a time and your team can spawn in immune and youve won but you have less points, all because you elarned that your nisping aiming is peak, but you dont even know how to do the playstyle, but you want to.

heck you might even change aim settings per game mode or match because you know how optimise the settings for mechs guns, game type, map, and play style. Heck, you might litterally have three playstyles or a total of six but two for what you have because of of the aiming p, the guns, and the mecks and mao and games.

you might even have multiple game styles so you can on the same map with the same mechs in different ways.

so i suggest you go through process, because you might fpjust find your grasping it all, and then understanding how to counter the enemy because will how they play, and what settings they will have fir what vuns and mechs.