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Get Vikings: War Of Clans
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- Battle for the Light. This is a new legendary Competition that is held in a separate world called Alfheim. To earn points in the Competition, Jarls must capture and hold Towers of Light. A unique item — Alfheim Light — can be found among the rewards.

- Altar of Light and Artifacts. There's now a new building, the Altar of Light, in the Town. At this Altar, you can upgrade and activate Artifacts, which grant bonuses to your troops.Other changes. We've:- Improved the way in which reports about defending Fortresses are displayed. They will now only be sent to the mail of the Jarls whose troops took part in the relevant defense.

- Added the game version and user ID to the game loading screen.Read about all the changes in the patch notes: https://vikings-support.plarium.com/web/en/useful-articles/update-battle-for-the-light-and-altar-of-light 

In order to update the game, we'll be carrying out some technical maintenance. You won't be able to log in to the game during that time. 

Don't forget to upgrade Vikings: War of Clans to the latest version, since the previous version may not work correctly. 

19 авг. 2024, 12:2019.08.24
19 авг. 2024, 15:3819.08.24

Is this replacing clas battle (cVc) competition?

23 сент. 2024, 14:3923.09.24

hello im a new member