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Active Town Shields

Active Town Shields

29 июль 2022, 08:3329.07.22

Active Town Shields

May have been raised before but perhaps how long players are able to have an active shield should be looked at.  I have used the Guard Pay Off on players who haven't been active for close to a year and yet their shield is active years ahead. One player i came across hasn't played for 52 weeks yet has an active shield until 2080??  Maybe there should be a max of say 6 months. That way if a player has left the game that town can be then be plundered. Just a thought

29 июль 2022, 11:0229.07.22

Thank you for the suggestion, VampsDD11! I have forwarded it to the developers 😎

29 июль 2022, 12:0729.07.22

I fail to see the reason behind your seemingly continual need to be doing this checking of long absent players shielded town's.

Are you that desparate for what you think you may get there if the shield fell?

It would be wrong to retroactively change it, and  going forward,any new change to the current system could just as easily thwart your plans by players leaving ensuring there is nothing to be plundered.

As some do already.

29 июль 2022, 18:1829.07.22

Good idea.  These long shields are silly.

29 июль 2022, 18:3229.07.22

Silly or not is debateable .

The players had a tactic in mind and had the ability to spend their gold as they saw fit.

''As  you know our blockade is perfectly legal'' Lucas  Star Wars.

29 июль 2022, 18:4729.07.22

While it's suggested it will be looked at we already know the answer. A similar suggestion has been raised about automatically removing towns camped on pioneer squares when players have left the game. The answer was that this wasn't allowed under the terms and conditions of the game and i also believe data protection laws were mentioned.

This appears no different to me in that the player chose to apply all his town shields before leaving the game.

31 июль 2022, 11:1331.07.22
31 июль 2022, 11:17(отредактировано)

xyz: I found an inactive town that was shielded for the next 100 years - it would be funny if it wasn't so pointless. The game advances in the strength required so fast that anyone who stops playing for a couple of years ends up way behind.

I check the shields of inactive players all the time and occasionally get lucky and find one with a shield about to drop - these "ghost towns" still with troops are my best source of soul shards.  

Plarium probably can't change the existing shields players have bought but Plarium may be able to introduce a limit on future shields.

31 июль 2022, 17:1731.07.22

xyz: I found an inactive town that was shielded for the next 100 years - it would be funny if it wasn't so pointless. The game advances in the strength required so fast that anyone who stops playing for a couple of years ends up way behind.

I check the shields of inactive players all the time and occasionally get lucky and find one with a shield about to drop - these "ghost towns" still with troops are my best source of soul shards.  

Plarium probably can't change the existing shields players have bought but Plarium may be able to introduce a limit on future shields.

We will think on that, pipkin, thank you for the suggestion🙏