Forwarded your suggestion to our specialists 😎
And would be nice if shaman scould be linked too to set because most of the times you need different shaman for different sets
Maybe shamans could get option to save sets? (This is mostly only for Inga because you need to use her for knowledge and training) or add new shaman which would be only for training or knowledge or 2x new shamans for each thing as Inga kinda is old and pretty easy to max for new players
And last thing
Would be nice if you could link gems to sets (mostly for siege using fortress gear)
And would be nice if shaman scould be linked too to set because most of the times you need different shaman for different sets
Maybe shamans could get option to save sets? (This is mostly only for Inga because you need to use her for knowledge and training) or add new shaman which would be only for training or knowledge or 2x new shamans for each thing as Inga kinda is old and pretty easy to max for new players
And last thing
Would be nice if you could link gems to sets (mostly for siege using fortress gear)
Thank you for such detailed suggestions! Forwarded it further 🤗