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The strange thing about infirmary capacity

The strange thing about infirmary capacity

2 март 2022, 15:3102.03.22

The strange thing about infirmary capacity

Did you ever wonder why Inga has such a strong infirmary capacity boost?

Or did you ever ever wonder why Indicolite Legendary II offer an infirmary capacity boost?

Well, I am certainly wondering who fights with Inga the wise or Baggi The Big. Because if you don't have Inga activated, the boosts don't work, and if you don't have the gems on your hero/shaman, they also don't work. So uhm... anyone wants to put indicolite as a gem on Raine the Wanderer? Or defend your SH with inga the wise?

Why give useless skills or items to characters Plarium? This is obviously misplaced.

2 март 2022, 16:5702.03.22
2 март 2022, 17:08(отредактировано)

The first thing you have to consider is that apart from being a game it is a commercial venture, and commercial ventures are designed to separate  people from their money.

Secondly it also a trap.

Third,by design or accident there is an inbuilt obsolescence.

The latter may not be immediately obvious to those who haven't been playing long.

Now to the consideration of Inga.

She was the second shaman to Baggi,apart from other extras, both had a specfic purpose to them, aiding knowledge  and building.

So you start spending on these two shaman, then along come the others to assist with scouting and attack of the various kinds of troops, so you start spending on one or more of these..

Then much later along comes Raine with the realization that apart from better building and knowledge bonuses , Raine offers something else of importance so, is it best to start again from scratch or finish off Inga and Baggi and your troop type shaman?

Sometimes your basic shaman is going to be more useful, because it's at a higher level than Raine, which is most useful for its extras connected with siege.

 Slow players who havent rushed to buy everything as soon as it comes out have some advantage over those that did, as do new players by coming late to the party. 

3 март 2022, 06:4903.03.22

Thank you for your detailed feedback, Baby-dragon, we will take it into consideration😇

I hope that our future innovations will meet your expectations🙌

5 март 2022, 07:2505.03.22

The first thing you have to consider is that apart from being a game it is a commercial venture, and commercial ventures are designed to separate  people from their money.

Secondly it also a trap.

Third,by design or accident there is an inbuilt obsolescence.

The latter may not be immediately obvious to those who haven't been playing long.

Now to the consideration of Inga.

She was the second shaman to Baggi,apart from other extras, both had a specfic purpose to them, aiding knowledge  and building.

So you start spending on these two shaman, then along come the others to assist with scouting and attack of the various kinds of troops, so you start spending on one or more of these..

Then much later along comes Raine with the realization that apart from better building and knowledge bonuses , Raine offers something else of importance so, is it best to start again from scratch or finish off Inga and Baggi and your troop type shaman?

Sometimes your basic shaman is going to be more useful, because it's at a higher level than Raine, which is most useful for its extras connected with siege.

 Slow players who havent rushed to buy everything as soon as it comes out have some advantage over those that did, as do new players by coming late to the party. 

The first thing you need to consider before you comment next time, is kill your first level 6 invader. I'm not reading reactions from people who are here just to fill up the forum without gaming experience.

5 март 2022, 13:2005.03.22

Now I get it. You have given the game away.

You should have just used your private channel  to the programmers.

Had you posted in a different manner, as yourself, as the expert in the field,rather than posing as  someone else who didn't know,I might have been less inclined to answer. 

There was no need to quote me,nor even respond, if you don't value my point of view.

Someone else might. 

Killing a level 6  or  an uber which I did years ago, is not going to give me any more game experience than killing  a level 1.