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Change to scoring for ghosts/invaders

Change to scoring for ghosts/invaders

25 фев. 2022, 00:3925.02.22

Change to scoring for ghosts/invaders

There have been complaints about 1 hitting caused by the increased targets in ghost and invader events and that this causes problems to people wanting to farm gems and materials. If instead of awarding event points on a per 1% health basis award points per hit. This eliminates the points advantage of one hitting and will help prevent people finding no invaders or ghosts.

Competition goals will need to be adjusted to reflect the scoring change.

25 фев. 2022, 06:3325.02.22

I would welcome such a change, I think.

plarium might say that it was introduced for a trial period (say six months) and review whether it is a success or not after that time.

26 фев. 2022, 00:2726.02.22
26 фев. 2022, 12:41(отредактировано)

One the face of it seems like a good idea, except for those buying and wasting energy,and it means slogging one at a time, till the final hit, after reaching maximum bonus.

I thought of another drawback.

With  points per % everyone gets the same number of points,but with points per hit, those that need to take more hits get more points.

26 фев. 2022, 11:0426.02.22

Thank you for your feedback, Jarls, it has been forwarded to the developers😎

Stay tuned!

26 фев. 2022, 23:0926.02.22
26 фев. 2022, 23:12(отредактировано)

Hi xyz

Yes I accept that there may be a minor advantage to less developed players, but let's face facts, all of the last 12 month's developments  have helped the bigger players at the expense of smaller and casual players. A little rebalance wouldn't go amiss and this would in reality be insignificant.

27 фев. 2022, 09:0227.02.22

A player who wants to take more hits rather than less just removes equipment and changes the distribution of hero's skill points.  Not that this would be necessary if the idea worked and targets remained available longer.

plarium announced that more Ubers and higher tier Invaders/ghosts will spawn which must be their idea as to how to address the shortages.  Whether that will have any significant effect time will tell.