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KVK / Fury / Global event checkpoints

KVK / Fury / Global event checkpoints

27 янв. 2022, 13:4627.01.22

KVK / Fury / Global event checkpoints

Hi, many people will recognize the same problem that in almost every KVK or Fury announcement, you can pretty much tell already which kingdom will become first, and which will be second-placed. Also, you usually know your own kingdom's average score so it's easy to figure that you won't stand a chance. (or in some cases, you know you do stand a chance.) The problem, however, what I find is that KVK and Fury are not really Kingdom vs Kingdom (or Kingdoms), it's basically just an event where you just kill more than the others as the points you get for invaders, or farming is nothing in comparison to kills.

Having that said, I would like to see a different kind of KVK / Fury in where 'weaker' kingdoms also stand a chance. Similar to the checkpoints we know in the new CVC rounds, I would like to see many more categories for kingdom events too. For example, you can get points for:

  • Killing the most level 1 invader, level 2 invaders, level 3 invaders, etc
  • Killing most Ghost, level1, 2,.. you get the point.
  • Killing most T1 troops, T2 troops...
  • Farming most food, wood, iron, stone, silver, and even gold.

Each of those checkpoints should give points for a kingdom activity where it no longer matters if you got a strong kingdom that just kills or hold every tower and 2-3 SH battles and logs in every 3 hours, but in this way, it matters how active is your kingdom, that you can actually win a kingdom event by playing all parts the game.

Just an idea :)

27 янв. 2022, 14:0727.01.22
27 янв. 2022, 14:08(отредактировано)

This won't happen as the current effect of these events is to boost big clans (intended or otherwise).

You are spot on. In Fury battles you can look at the KDs and biggest clans. Typically the chances of winning based on my experience are 80%, 20%, 0% and 0% so for at least 2 KDs it's a non event.

There is a suggestion on another thread about people getting personal rewards even if their KD loses. I think this may encourage more to join in as the current alternative is shield up, save your rss and do something else for a couple of days.

27 янв. 2022, 22:5427.01.22
27 янв. 2022, 22:59(отредактировано)

I think you are being self delusional with your ideas.

If they introduced them, what makes you think you will do any better in them than you do now?

The levels  set for them would only mirror those that already exist, and some , those that  coast already, would have no problem in winning by a mile, while the rest  would struggle to the first hurdle.

Of course I may be completely off the wall, but I would attest that they are trying to engineer us to  quit, or play not like  we want to, but how they want us to,which is, not unsprisingly, to commit wholeheartedly to the game and spend every minute spending by doing so.

Forgetting, that not everyone has the resources or desire to do more than we already do.

Not everyone wants to see the film over and over, or franchise film, to infinty and beyond.

28 янв. 2022, 13:1228.01.22

It's important for us to know your opinion on this issue, Jarls 🙏

All feedback has been forwarded to our developer team, thank you for your commitment to the game 😇

Have a nice day!✨

28 янв. 2022, 19:5028.01.22

I think you are being self delusional with your ideas.

If they introduced them, what makes you think you will do any better in them than you do now?

The levels  set for them would only mirror those that already exist, and some , those that  coast already, would have no problem in winning by a mile, while the rest  would struggle to the first hurdle.

Of course I may be completely off the wall, but I would attest that they are trying to engineer us to  quit, or play not like  we want to, but how they want us to,which is, not unsprisingly, to commit wholeheartedly to the game and spend every minute spending by doing so.

Forgetting, that not everyone has the resources or desire to do more than we already do.

Not everyone wants to see the film over and over, or franchise film, to infinty and beyond.

I disagree with you. (mind you, I'm not always in the losing kingdom). 

Yes, ofcourse Plarium wants us to spend money , and they mainly do that by letting us 'buy' more troops, as farming for them as well as the rewards are nothing in comparison to what the troops cost to make.

But with collection a fixed point for killing most invaders of level 1, every kingdom can get points. Not like the point system now. You can win that category, so it won't matter how many points you make in total, just that you can win that category., maybe even give different points per place. 

Kingdom that kills the most level 1 invaders gets.. for example.. 5 points, 2nd up runner gets 3 points., and the other 2 kingdoms would get either 1-2 points. Same for level 2 invaders, level 3 invaders.. and Ghosts... and Farms..

We are all limited to 18 marches per town, regardless if your size is 10 trillion or 100million, it's equal chances to make points in that way. Sure, fighting would be easier for the bigger towns, but just fighting, shouldn't be enough to win a kingdom event, after all, it's a kingdom that should work together with active towns., regardless if they are brutal fighters, or humble farmers.

13 фев. 2022, 11:1313.02.22

Regarding KvK and KvK. you should turn it around so that players get the personal checkpoints, and then only get the clan checkpoints if the event is won. This would encourage players to work to get the personal checkpoints, and not sit back and wait for the clan checkpoints when other clan members are doing all the work. 

13 фев. 2022, 13:0713.02.22

Has been suggested recently, and ages ago before that, when the checkpoints were  still difficult to reach, but much easier than they are now.

20 фев. 2022, 06:1520.02.22
20 фев. 2022, 06:26(отредактировано)

The problems all started with the introduction of sh sieges. Any clan or kingdom with clans that can successfully perform high level sieges (and hence have the ability to attack oponent sieges) can now win any cvc,  kvk or Fury. Everything else becomes redundant. And because high level sieges require killing millions of high level troops - ALL the troop killing competitions now need sh sieges in order to kill the number of high level troops needed to get ANY CPs ! Tile hitting relatively  small numbers of t1s farming tiles will not achieve any CPs. The winning kingdom in this last Fury  held numerous sieges and won. Their score was 11.48 trillion points, 2nd was 3.5 trillion, 3rd 1.45 and 4th had less than half that many points. (The sort of odds Blackadder suggested). No wonder people are complaining.

20 фев. 2022, 15:2420.02.22

 I am not sure of the time line of the introduction of updates, but I have a suspicion that the same type of situation existed even before the introduction of S.O.T.S.H. 

Perhaps, it's more noticeable now,with the smell off the coffee being so strong.

 I would agree with you it has made things more problematic,especially with other related updates like occupying opponent's POP.

With particular respect to Fury,there is no wonder they keep the scores hidden till the end.

If was obvious here was no chance of getting one of the two top spots, players would give up soonest, and their revenue would drop,understandably it's a matter of perspective, but as far as I can see,there's not much reward from the clan levels, some gold, but mainly a few meagre hours of boosts, conveniently split to make it look like there is more than there acctually is.

20 фев. 2022, 19:4220.02.22

Thank you for your feedback, Jarls, I have forwarded it to our specialists for the further consideration👍

Feel free to share all your thoughts and suggestions with me😇

21 фев. 2022, 01:2921.02.22

I now understand what the problem is with the draw system and competitions in general having watched our cvc draw. As pointed out above seiges (and towers in Fury are key). What I am pretty certain is happening is that half the clan leaves the clan and then rejoins after the draw. We are now facing a clan twice our size in cvc. Yes some of them can't score points through farming and invaders but you don't score much for those a way. What they can do is help defend their seige and attack ours.

Not sure what the solution is, but deliberately manipulating the draw system directly affects game play and should be viewed as cheating.

21 фев. 2022, 14:4021.02.22

Manipulating the draw is anything but new, and would agree with you it's a form of cheating, which undermines the whole concept.

What can be done about it depends on their willingness or capability,to detect and rectify. 

It would seem simple enough to monitor what is happening and stop it, or perhaps prevent those that hop in and out from taking part at all.

21 фев. 2022, 15:5721.02.22

I agree it's not new but the problem is big player are now so massive that there are many players with more influence than our clan. They leave and rejoin and are too big for us to do anything about.

I'd like to see a ban on people rejoining clans after draws are made but then they can still influence things as a standalone player. Like you say the only real solution is to exclude people from the game and clans/kds from competitions if they are doing this regularly. 

21 фев. 2022, 21:5221.02.22

For some months now in my Kingdom several medium sized players (2 to 5 trillion influence) have been busy building numerous tier 4 strongholds and then moving around from one to the other at mesmerising speed.  Or it may be one player with a number of sizeable alts.

Exactly why this is done I don't know.  I have speculated that it has to do with avoiding the time limits on SH sieges and also that it has to do with manipulating event pairings and scoring (as suggested above).  But life is too short to keep track of the kaleidoscope of movement so I will never know exactly what is going on.

But it seems plain that it is done for the purpose of exploits.

I would be glad to see a change to the programming so that towns joining a clan an hour before CvC or Fury or Holmgang are announced (or later) are suspended until the event concludes.

That said plarium have zero interest in measures of that kind and have never shown any interest in players' comments about gameplay so we will need to cope with the exploits as best we may.

27 фев. 2022, 09:0827.02.22

Perhaps you have taken the trouble to read some of the posts.  To respond by saying that what is said has nothing to do with you and the players should go and pester someone else makes a nonsense of calling this forum Ideas and Suggestions.

27 фев. 2022, 18:0127.02.22

Perhaps you have taken the trouble to read some of the posts.  To respond by saying that what is said has nothing to do with you and the players should go and pester someone else makes a nonsense of calling this forum Ideas and Suggestions.

I understand your concern, but I personally as the administrator of the Forum can't help with this issue, but I can advise you of the right way so I've done it :) 

27 фев. 2022, 22:2427.02.22
Ivar Marksman

I understand your concern, but I personally as the administrator of the Forum can't help with this issue, but I can advise you of the right way so I've done it :) 

Ivar, I did raise a ticket asking how a kd undefeated in Fury with 20% more influence than the other kds (and also mainly in 1 clan) were drawn in our fury draw. This KD is ranked about 20 in fury and ours is ranked in the 800s (and there aren't 1000 kds yet). All I got in reply was that the draw was correct. 

I get your point about highlighting issues to support but I feel I did and got nowhere. Clearly this kd involved are deliberately manipulating the draw system but clearly support aren't interested in investigating.

28 фев. 2022, 14:2328.02.22
28 фев. 2022, 14:23(отредактировано)

Ivar, I did raise a ticket asking how a kd undefeated in Fury with 20% more influence than the other kds (and also mainly in 1 clan) were drawn in our fury draw. This KD is ranked about 20 in fury and ours is ranked in the 800s (and there aren't 1000 kds yet). All I got in reply was that the draw was correct. 

I get your point about highlighting issues to support but I feel I did and got nowhere. Clearly this kd involved are deliberately manipulating the draw system but clearly support aren't interested in investigating.

I assure you that all requests are investigated by our specialists with the utmost care. Each case is checked with various technical tools. I understand that the details of the process are not always clear, but you can ask additional questions to our technical specialists🙏

28 фев. 2022, 23:5528.02.22

Thanks Ivar.

I understand that I asked the wrong question in asking whether the draw was correct. Possibly at the time the draw was made it might have been. I suspect if they checked 8 hours either side of the draw it wouldn't be.

Along with many I'm losing interest. For me enough people are reporting these issues across various forum threads for Plarium to investigate but it feels like there is no desire. The whole concept of enjoyable gameplay is vanishing in favour of ensuring the top 5-10% in the spending list can feel they are the world's greatest simply by outbuying their opposition.

1 март 2022, 07:0101.03.22

Thanks Ivar.

I understand that I asked the wrong question in asking whether the draw was correct. Possibly at the time the draw was made it might have been. I suspect if they checked 8 hours either side of the draw it wouldn't be.

Along with many I'm losing interest. For me enough people are reporting these issues across various forum threads for Plarium to investigate but it feels like there is no desire. The whole concept of enjoyable gameplay is vanishing in favour of ensuring the top 5-10% in the spending list can feel they are the world's greatest simply by outbuying their opposition.

I am sorry that you feel this way, Blackadder. Some issues require more time to be studied and analyzed in full, but our developers consider all of them and do their best to make the gaming process comfortable for our Jarls.

Your feedback has been forwarded further as well. I hope that our future updates will satisfy you😇