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gold yield

11 нояб. 2021, 19:1311.11.21

gold yield


maintenant que les mines  d'or ont augmenté, il y a qu'un seul équipement pour le rendement d'or.

est-il possible de changé les stats des équipements de centurion qui sont disponibles sur d'autres équipements et plus élevés en rendement d'or comme sur la dague au lieu de crée des nouveaux équipements.

merci pour votre compréhension 


now that gold mining has increased, there is only one equipment for gold yielding.

Is it possible to change the stats of centurion gear that are available on other gear and higher in gold yield like on the dagger instead of creating new gear.

Thank you for understanding


12 нояб. 2021, 13:0212.11.21

Hi BlackShadow! Thank you for your suggestion, I have forwarded it to our specialists for the further consideration🤗

Feel free to share all your ideas with me😎

14 нояб. 2021, 06:3014.11.21

There is a small amount of gold yielding since the changes.  It would bring gold tiles fully into the game if yielding gold scored points in competitions in the same way that yielding rss does.

16 нояб. 2021, 04:2816.11.21

So why is there a need just because gold yielding has increased, why not before as well?

Of course they could do as you suggest , but it is a pretty selfish idea.

What about doing away with the gold collecting element of the centurions dagger, its not necessary and it doesnt speed it up that much, and besides I seldom harvest gold ,so I do not need that element ,why not put something in that I need, instead?

Also what about the players who have created those pieces for those parts you want replacing with gold yielding? What if they haven't got the other equipment that duplicates them ?

The situation is that these things are relics left behind from when the game was different to what it is now, but removing stuff isnt inconsequential.

16 нояб. 2021, 04:3416.11.21

There is a small amount of gold yielding since the changes.  It would bring gold tiles fully into the game if yielding gold scored points in competitions in the same way that yielding rss does.

 What would it really add  ?

Its somewhat of a logical step, as gold has been devalued  and become just another resource, but I dislike the idea.

16 нояб. 2021, 20:4216.11.21

-So why is there a need just because the yield of gold has increased, why not before too?

before gold mines 6 had 100 gold coins and divine gold 6 was 1000 gold coins so why do them before if no one will use them. now 1M gold coin and 3M gold coin for divine gold

-Of course, they could do whatever you suggest, but that's a pretty selfish idea.

I did not understand how it is selfish, everyone will benefit not just me !

-What about removing the gold collecting item from the centurions dagger, it's not necessary and doesn't speed it up that much, plus I rarely harvest gold , so i don't need this item, why not put something i need, instead?

yes because it is all alone if there are others they will be useful, took it out and changed it to something you need, make a proposal then ^^

If you don't collect gold, others in the game collect, so I would like to reduce the harvest time if needed.

-What about also the players who created these coins for the coins you want to replace with gold? What if they didn't have the other equipment that duplicates them?

I didn't make this offer without finding a piece of equipment that offers the same bonus that I offered in the Invader's equipment

-The situation is that these things are relics left behind when the game was different from what it is now, but removing things is not without consequence.

relics that I use for resource yield. i thought alot of jarl could use it for this

I propose to add the gold yield to this equipment

they might have the idea to make some new equipment for gold yield in the future

good game

google translate 

19 нояб. 2021, 02:3619.11.21
19 нояб. 2021, 03:35(отредактировано)

 I do not dispute that  others might benefit, but it's selfish because it is something that you want personally, but removing those so called duplicates may not be helpful to those who haven't got access to them,and built the centurions gear for that reason. 

As I wrote before, removing them has consequences.

Apart from the fact I think any gold yielding equipment boost is not going to make much difference to how long yielding takes,it's contrary to the fact that though they just recently increased the speed of yielding, they also increased the amount,suggesting they do not want to make emptying a gold tile emptying any faster.  

They didn't add other equipment before when gold yielding was slow its a comparable situation now.

It's not the fact that the centurions dagger is alone that makes it slow. Its dependant on the base level from which the % is  applied. Consider the clan help system. There is a law of diminishing returns. If you have a cake you an only ever eat one cake. If you are allowed to eat 50% the next bite doesnt finish the cake. An additional eating boost would still not let you eat all the cake in two bites. 

20 нояб. 2021, 00:0320.11.21

There is a small amount of gold yielding since the changes.  It would bring gold tiles fully into the game if yielding gold scored points in competitions in the same way that yielding rss does.

 Unless it was already planned, you need to ask for other things, they added gold yielding to a competition.