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The solution to the problem With a Trailblazer of any level, I ask Everyone to vote!!!The solution to the problem With a Trailblazer of any level, I ask Everyone to vote!!!

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The solution to the problem With a Trailblazer of any level, I ask Everyone to vote!!!

18 июнь 2021, 19:4118.06.21

The solution to the problem With a Trailblazer of any level, I ask Everyone to vote!!!

Dear players, I am tired of waiting for the point from morning to night, many people wait for hours, because of the greed of many players who stand at point 9 in Jotunheim because of the extraction of shards, no persuasion works on these arrogant and Arrogant players who show their true face.
My suggestion is as follows:
Dear creators of the game Plarium!!!!
I ask on behalf of many players! - create a time limit, holding the point of the pioneers of any level, with a timeout of 1 minute, after which, the player must be thrown into the random coordinates of the kingdom of the point of the pioneer, blocking access to this point for 1 hour or less. Anyone who is not ready to put up with such an unfair decision in relation to normal players, please support me here in the English community, and also send letters of support.
Let's call our appeal the "Trailblazer Timeout Rule".
I hope for the understanding of respected and adequate players. All have a good Game and Friendship in the Clans!
Sincerely, Georges, State 30, Player " Old Man Krupsky"
19 июнь 2021, 09:1219.06.21

Hi Б-Р-А-Т!

I understand your situation. However, we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.

If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use in order to gain any commercial profit, please send a short video to our Support Team (Menu > Ask a question) that allows them to clearly see the proof of the violation and how you open such a player's game profile.

I wish you success in your quest for achievements🙏

19 июнь 2021, 10:0419.06.21

You don't understand our situation, you don't understand my offer, you don't understand what I'm offering, you don't need to treat me like a little child. I wrote everything! Why are you changing the subject, singling me out as an incompetent person? I suggest introducing rules so that all players can complete achievements that help develop the game. If you do not understand what I wrote with the help of a translator, write about it, but do not make me a stupid player, this appeal is the essence of the proposal, if you do not make changes about the time spent on the point and do not figure out how to create it in the game on the points of the pioneer, you deliberately create a problem, inequality, cover scammers and deceivers. If it is not clear, I will ask people who know English to write again.

6 окт. 2021, 17:3306.10.21

Why not give to person that holds the place of power the power to exile any town from the forrest, and to avoid abuse of this power only allow 1 exile per 24hrs

7 окт. 2021, 15:5107.10.21

Even if they were willing to furnish a solution,on an issue on which they have continuously sidestepped.

Your suggestion has flaws ,even at exile of 1 per day, it puts too much power into the holder of the POP and fails if another blocker takes the tile.

Also as has been said before, it's often those in power in a Kingdom that are controlling access to the pioneer tiles.

11 окт. 2021, 17:2611.10.21

I agree with the original poster actually. I've totally given up on Pioneer 9 myself. Its in Jot so, I can understand that one anyway. As far as the rest of Kingdoms/Pioneer spots, I agree that something should be done. Plariums stated position makes little sense in my opinion also, as your Palace can be moved without your "consent" in other ways. 

Maybe a time limit for shielding while on a Pioneer spot could solve the issue. After a week.... or less.... or more etc, shields drop automatically. The blocking person in my Kingdom for example hasn't been online for almost a year now and the shield will last for practically forever. No way to talk, no way to move. Just a random asshat troll has effectively blocked access for all. I don't "need" anymore achievements myself as I've maxed Collector, but the Gold and combat bonuses to be gained can be very important for newer players. To shut them all out for the actions of one is just not right. 

12 окт. 2021, 00:4212.10.21
12 окт. 2021, 01:10(отредактировано)

I don't argue the fact that it is unfair, but neither is changing the palace level rules, or the locking of helheim,   shutting access  to the CvC and  effectively other clan events clan, there's currently so little to do that is worth the effort and time put in,and it  is unfortunately what we have come to expect that this is the kind of mean thing that they do.


Don't know if you know already, but they upped some of the levels  from 10, so there may be another collector level available for you now.

26 нояб. 2021, 00:2226.11.21

If someone's town is attacked in the forest it is subject to a random relocation not at their request or under their control. I fail to see how relocating a town because of exceeding a time limit on an achievement location is any different.

30 нояб. 2021, 03:1130.11.21

Deberías ser enviado automáticamente de regreso a tu reino natal. Hubo un tiempo anterior en que esto no sucedía y los jugadores se atascaron.  También debería poder retroceder usted mismo.