-_- DEMON -_-13 янв. 2021, 09:3813.01.2112.09.171building valkyries citadelthere will probley be peeps out there , who would love to have a reset button for Troop upgrades in the citadel ..... you could do some kind of event were members can gain tokens to reset lvs of a troop type to 0 .... just a thought
Ivar MarksmanAdmin13 янв. 2021, 14:2913.01.2113 янв. 2021, 14:30(отредактировано)4649Hi -_- DEMON -_-! Thank you for your suggestion, I will forward it to our developers for the further consideration😊👍 If you have any other ideas or suggestions — feel free to share them with me. Have a great day!
EUGIRDOR16 фев. 2021, 21:2816.02.2127.03.201it will be exalting if we could attack severals targets in the same time ( First we choose our targets and seconf time, we attack all of them in one just clik (ex: attacks 8 town in the same time)
Antares17 апр. 2022, 13:3217.04.2205.09.215Admin, does you have any information regarding this suggestion? For most of people's this will be very helpful.
Ivar MarksmanAdmin17 апр. 2022, 20:5217.04.224649AntaresAdmin, does you have any information regarding this suggestion? For most of people's this will be very helpful.Our specialists are aware of this request and are studying the issue, Antares👍 Stay tuned!