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Why are experts who gain 77,000 million experience allowed to attack beginner players?

Why are experts who gain 77,000 million experience allowed to attack beginner players?

25 март 2020, 23:5925.03.20

Why are experts who gain 77,000 million experience allowed to attack beginner players?

Hello the game to be entertaining, but I do not see that such superior players can attack those who are just starting, so they will get beginners to stop playing, there are 2 players who constantly attack me, one has 800 million me Influence and another 77000 mill and I do not even reach 1 !!!! I leave you my comment if you can improve it but if I feel it I will have to stop playing

26 март 2020, 01:2226.03.20
26 март 2020, 01:32(отредактировано)

Nothing wrong with asking, its a common question, in fact it was aked  in a different manner just a few days ago here,in the link below.


Part of the problem is that the game rushes you at the beginning, and encourages to play speedily, this isnt necessarily a good idea as you can get in too deep before you know how to play.

Once you get past level 5 palace, and the three day free peace shield, you are at the mercy of every other player.

If you start in a brand new kingdom, in theory a player should be less exposed to what you describe than was often the previous case, however, lots of players know how to play the game and have money to spare to buy faster progress.

As one of the ways they get the kind of experience you describe,is by attacking other players,this why you are in this predicament.

If you are Palace 5 and under,and without the shield they cannot steal any resources from you, but they still may attack you to kill your soldiers,to inhibit your progress, so this is another reason you will be attacked continuosly.

You need to get gold for a shield and join a clan with a leader that knows how to play and will help you learn.

31 март 2020, 20:1731.03.20
4 апр. 2020, 16:34(отредактировано)

You and the other person that complained about this situation recently have likely already left the game. 

I suspect, but have little concrete evidence to prove my theory that one of the reasons they attack novice players is because they want revenge for what happened to themselves, when they first started playing the game,I have also had 'can I attack you because I m bored,because I cant find an equal to target'.

I also suspect that a lot of these same players are those that  ask to have dead cities removed, and complain that there  are not enough active players in the kingdom for us to win the kingdom event,when a lot of this problem was because of their early actions, in getting players to leave the game.


I do have sympathy for those that complain about this sort of behaviour.

I do see the benefit to the aggressor,but when someone with billions of influence attacks someone with only thousands, its a foregone conclusion who will win, especially where it is a tile hit, and they can send thousands of troops on the attack against a few hundred at best.

6 апр. 2020, 19:4306.04.20

The game rewards higher level players for tile hitting other players on resource tiles (no matter what level). This is now just a play style for higher players to tile hit pretty much anything they see. Why wouldn't you bully everyone smaller than you when you get rewarded for it? It's the primary reason my friends are quitting. I probably will too. It's demoralizing and it feels like just a money grab. Whats crazy, is I am level 30+ and it just keeps getting worse as I level.  I wish Plarium would take more of a user experience approach instead of a sales approach.  

7 апр. 2020, 16:0007.04.20

 Having been the victim of this kind of behaviour,I feel something should be done about it,but not quite sure of what the solution might be.

I could be way off the mark here,but don't believe that the influence that is awarded  from the battle is of any real consequence, if those are the points to which you refer, but when an event is taking place particularly when its inter kingdom, there is a legitimate reason for hitting tiles.

However I remain bewildered by the behaviour of some players who will chase down weaker players,when no other point event rewards are running, when their actual losses in doing so are more than they gained, the same with attacking inactive or even active towns, for what must be paltry amounts of resources for them at their level, especially as I wonder what effect this will have on anything they need to do.

 I understand that its probable that  you attract more attention as you progress, because updates get more expensive, you move to places where the tiles hold more, so you risk more troops maybe at higher levels, so the reward for a tile hit is much greater.

I remember a time when I was in the forest, yielding from a tile in sharp short bursts, and someone messaged me with ,don't send tier 1 troops send tier 5, which was both a telling and strange request,they should have known it was impossible for me to have such a high tier troop.

They must've scouted which you cant see ,could they have got there if I was using tier 5 troops? possibly / possibly not.

As you say it just drives away players who might want to play keep playing but realise  its like hitting your head against a brick wall , when you come up against players who can do this kind of thing not because they are good at the game or any more skilled, but because they got a fat wallet and can keep paying for the latest upgrades, which just enables to do more of what they were doing anyway , but to more people and more noticeably

22 апр. 2020, 14:1022.04.20
i see 7.4 MILLION users registered and less than 100 replies; Forge of Empires (8 years old - and getting old) has thousands of views on significant topics and game designers still listen to comments because of it.  This game takes way more money to be effective and already very low activity... not sure how much longer i want to put in monthly dollars... (in 1st week - $50 to get started - level 24 - but only 10%-15% of clan and kingdom active - IS THIS NORMAL?)