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Changes to Peace Shield

Changes to Peace Shield

20 янв. 2020, 19:5920.01.20

Changes to Peace Shield

Hello, I'm quite new to this game and have been playing of under a month. At the moment, I'm thinking about quitting this game for good and this is because of the behavior of Russian clans in our Kingdom. 

Biggest problem is the hit-and-shield tactic used by these players. They attack the much weaker players (something like 100 to 1000 times less influence) and then as they have looted all the rss they just shield up as nothing has happened.

It's also impossible to gather RSS as they are constantly tile hitting us.

This all would be more difficult to them if Peace Shields had a cool down period so other, stronger players in our clan could revenge and make those cowardly hits more difficult to perform with out a risk of loosing something.
20 янв. 2020, 22:2320.01.20

I guess you will get smart, or quit playing which in actual fact is the smartest thing that you can do. 

There is always a mad scramble  at the start of a new kingdom and it is true that certain nationalities behave in this manner more than others, even at later stages of the game, when what they gain for themselves is quite insignificant to them compared to those they take it from.

If you decide to stay and tough it out, I suggest that you read all the old threads on game play and the responses to what is an old complaint and counter suggestion.

21 янв. 2020, 05:5021.01.20

Yes, the game is very different in the first month but it is always a game of shields.

It gets worse after the first month. You always need to be shielded unless you are attacking and you should always be prepared to lose any troops you send out to yield.

22 янв. 2020, 18:4622.01.20
Feel free to come to my kingdom we have total peace, no tile hits and no hits on unshielded active players either.
23 янв. 2020, 01:5423.01.20
23 янв. 2020, 01:56(отредактировано)


After the first month in a new kingdom, there are 4-5 days in most weeks where people come to visit your kingdom and try to kill you. This is in addition to your resident killers who start to diminish after the second month. Then in the fourth month you will get the locusts who can port into your kingdom and try to take over and /or kill everyone.

But yes after that on the other 2-5 days a week, things are really calm and serene in most kingdoms.
23 янв. 2020, 18:1823.01.20
Unexpect said:


After the first month in a new kingdom, there are 4-5 days in most weeks where people come to visit your kingdom and try to kill you. This is in addition to your resident killers who start to diminish after the second month. Then in the fourth month you will get the locusts who can port into your kingdom and try to take over and /or kill everyone.

But yes after that on the other 2-5 days a week, things are really calm and serene in most kingdoms.
You are quite correct.
6 фев. 2020, 16:0906.02.20
Of course when you send troops out to attack or scout you'll loose your shield.  With that being said, Plarium needs to apply a fix so that you can't reshield untill those troops have completed the attack.  That opens the door of the aggressor to be attacked.  
7 фев. 2020, 08:5607.02.20
LOL. Newbies would be shieldless for long times. Experienced player boost troops in and out over in seconds.
4 март 2020, 18:4204.03.20
5 март 2020, 14:16(отредактировано)

maikeydii said:

Hello, I'm quite new to this game and have been playing of under a month. At the moment, I'm thinking about quitting this game for good and this is because of the behavior of Russian clans in our Kingdom. 

Biggest problem is the hit-and-shield tactic used by these players. They attack the much weaker players (something like 100 to 1000 times less influence) and then as they have looted all the rss they just shield up as nothing has happened.

It's also impossible to gather RSS as they are constantly tile hitting us.

This all would be more difficult to them if Peace Shields had a cool down period so other, stronger players in our clan could revenge and make those cowardly hits more difficult to perform with out a risk of loosing something.

I could not agree more. To those that say, "that is just the way it is" well I guess it is time for a change.

Shields should have a cool down after 2 quick pops. The cool down should increase after each consecutive use. Make the game more fair for those who are older or war vets thats twitch speeds are not what they used to be.

The current setup also favors people that use speed macros. It needs to be looked at by the devs, and changes made promptly.

5 март 2020, 03:2605.03.20

You might want to start looking for another game because those changes (shield cooldown, no speed boosts) are never going to happen.


Sure sometimes things need to change but turning the game upside down because it doesn't suit you is never really an option.

As I've said above, these suggestiions would actually disadvantage new players because they are easily worked around. Just as an example, some clans have dedicated tile/town hitters that sit unshielded for long periods. They just keep hitting till they run out of troops and then heal or resurrect and start again. They can also be reinforced to trap unwary players.

Sitting around with no shield or yielding when it is not safe should be the first things you learn not to do in this game.

5 март 2020, 14:2005.03.20

Unexpect said:

You might want to start looking for another game because those changes (shield cooldown, no speed boosts) are never going to happen.


Sure sometimes things need to change but turning the game upside down because it doesn't suit you is never really an option.

As I've said above, these suggestiions would actually disadvantage new players because they are easily worked around. Just as an example, some clans have dedicated tile/town hitters that sit unshielded for long periods. They just keep hitting till they run out of troops and then heal or resurrect and start again. They can also be reinforced to trap unwary players.

Sitting around with no shield or yielding when it is not safe should be the first things you learn not to do in this game.

Think about it. The amount of power used by your Shamans to teleport an entire town and/or shield it from all attacks would be unthinkable. To have them doing that ever 1-2 seconds, dozens of time in a short time frame... they would start dropping from exhaustion if not outright DEAD.

Troop speeds are based on weight, animal, tier, why shouldn't porting around and shielding be based on your shamans?

Concerning the quote above:
I still think you are mistaken, and the Devs can change whatever, whenever. You seem insulted that people even suggest it. Its our time at the keyboard being used, why waste yours if it will never happen.

If you want to be constructive, post links to strategies.

7 март 2020, 00:3207.03.20
7 март 2020, 00:36(отредактировано)

Are you still around, Maikeydii? Are you in 824? What you're saying sounds just like Cou3. They won't stop hitting their own kingdom's tiles even during kvk. 

If you're still here, come join FOS. We're the largest English speaking clan in kingdom and we're working on some new, more effective strategies for dealing with exactly what you're talking about. 

maikeydii said:

Hello, I'm quite new to this game and have been playing of under a month. At the moment, I'm thinking about quitting this game for good and this is because of the behavior of Russian clans in our Kingdom. 

Biggest problem is the hit-and-shield tactic used by these players. They attack the much weaker players (something like 100 to 1000 times less influence) and then as they have looted all the rss they just shield up as nothing has happened.

It's also impossible to gather RSS as they are constantly tile hitting us.

This all would be more difficult to them if Peace Shields had a cool down period so other, stronger players in our clan could revenge and make those cowardly hits more difficult to perform with out a risk of loosing something.

7 март 2020, 01:5907.03.20

Hi Themarten,

No, I'm not at all insulted. I just find it interesting that players come along and play for a week or a few months and say that "It needs to be looked at by the devs, and changes made promptly." Having said that, I always like to see new suggestions and there is always the possibility that they might be implemented. I think it is reasonable for other members of the forum to comment on those ideas and suggest why / how they might / might not work.

Yes, the developers can change whatever the company asks them to change. This is not the first time a shield cooldown has been suggested and so my best guess is that it is not something the company is interested in changing. I don't think that it's a waste of my time to tell you so although perhaps "never" was not a good choice.

You have asked me to be constructive and post links to strategies. I suggest that you look through the Fan Guides section of the forum as there are many good strategies there. If there is something specific you would like to know about, you could ask in General Questions.

You have asked me to think and I would ask you to do the same in return. You seem to be suggesting that the shamans should play some role in Shields and Relocations. Can you elaborate on how this might actually be implemented in the game? I am also curious where these attacks "every 1-2 seconds, dozens of time in a short time frame" are likely to come from?

As I said in my earlier post, towns can already sit unshielded for long periods in one place and attack tiles or towns. They can simply make sure that all of their troops are on the march either to attack or to hide behind someone else's shield. Sure they get attacked every now and then but if they lose troops they can heal them and send them out again. They would be attacked even less if a cooldown was in place because the potential attackers could then have to defend against attacks on their towns.