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Chat Communication

Chat Communication

26 дек. 2019, 18:3926.12.19

Chat Communication

Since this game is evidently very popular in Slavic countries, I would love to be able to use Google Translate to chat with others in chat, but it's impossible to copy and paste! Can we update the chat to allow this? 

Я бы хотел использовать Google Translate, чтобы общаться с другими людьми в чате, но невозможно скопировать и вставить! Можем ли мы обновить чат, чтобы разрешить это?

Я хотів би мати можливість використовувати Google Translate для спілкування з іншими в чаті, але скопіювати та вставити їх неможливо! Чи можемо ми оновити чат, щоб дозволити це?

29 дек. 2019, 16:2229.12.19
Da, I second this motion. I want to speak to tovarisj too. 
12 янв. 2020, 17:2912.01.20

I agree, I would love to be able to communicate with my clanmates. Unfortunately we have lost good players due to communication constraints. It would be nice to communicate easier and get to know other players. 

Also, the text auto entry is rough. Sometimes it auto populates pieces of words and strings of text. It would be better to not have it as opposed to making it more cumbersome to use the chat.

1 фев. 2020, 21:5401.02.20
Still waiting for this! Come on, Plarium, get your act together! 
16 фев. 2020, 19:5716.02.20
Please give us a way to decipher what the Russian clans are saying to us.  Google Translate is fine to figure it out, sort of, but there is no way to respond without having a keyboard that types little temple-like letters and backwards Rs. Either allow copy and paste from Google Translate or have a translation feature in the chat window. Other games have figured it out.