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Open the game up for all players

Open the game up for all players

13 июль 2019, 22:0313.07.19

Open the game up for all players

I feel that currently a lot of content is either directly or indirectly pay wall locked.

I understand the need for plarium to make money from this game, but so much of the content is purposely locked off unless you fork up mega money.

Such as shaman charms, hero/shaman energy, invader crafting materials, the list can go on.

I like the loyalty rewards, but allow people to put time into the game to earn items.

I can think of a number of small ways that could help with out changing the game, to larger content additions that would add more fun things to do so we can earn our way up the influence ladder.

I would feed back on other people's opinions on what they feel could be added or changed to help smaller or poorer players??

I've added a couple of ideas previously, just as adding all items to the clan store list, more ways to earn clan points that isn't locked to how many you can earn.

New idea I've had is to add fortresses permanently to all kingdoms as places clans can farm together for better rewards, clan points and soulshards. 

Thanks for reading.
