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Bank offer for Tech Support

Bank offer for Tech Support

25 март 2019, 06:3625.03.19

Bank offer for Tech Support

In order to win the Jortunheim tournament, it costs many $$.

One of the prizes awarded the Champion is personal access to tech support.

If $$ is what is required to gain this, perhaps putting this as a bank offer would gain more revenue.

If the game is not functioning correctly, and I had to choose between a Hero Energy pack, or Battle boost, or a tech support "token", well, what's the point in spending $10 to finally get a Cliff Rock if the game wont load for me to hit invaders, or crashes directly after I send my troops? I pay for health insurance because access to doctors keeps me alive and healthy. I would appreciate the same opportunity with Plarium tech support to keep my kingdom active and ready to go.

It's a win-win