Be 15 bil inf and STRONG
1.Invader learnings all
2.Shamen Learnings Top get 8 bottom at least 9
3 military defence 15-15-15
4. kill invaders like crazy buy some material if needed You need Special equipment 12 pieces
5. Melee is easiest and cheapest fighter use him
6 . kill wolf till you have 12 epic battle cry
7. do hero learnings melee as high as you can
8. Do offence against in hero section to a 17 all troops
9. invader knowledge your reductions to a 13
10. Citadel do to a tier 5 must do to 10
11. 1-5 learnings must be done to a 10 all 5
12. Do not enter tier6 or do anything for them can do after all this done
OK that is going to be a lot of work read my words ,, offence military not important yet , your defence is , it will be a waste of time to do anything in 6 section Your meelee offence will be around 1000% Once done do offence learnings and start working on melee t6 good luck