There is a workaround (This was only tested in the browser under Windows!)
- Translating chat messages.
This can be solved with a free tool "Capture2Text" (capture2text)

- Inserting a message in the chat window
Install free tool "AutoIt" (AutoIt3) and run it.
Use an online translator (Google, DeepL) and enter your message there.
Copy (if you need to translate) the result or just your text into the clipboard.
Use CTRL-V and be happy 

Here the source code for AutoIt (.au3, compile in AutoIt and export as .exe):
#include <*> ; replace * with Misc.au3
While 1
; If you forget this, your program takes up max CPU
Func ClipboardToKeystroke()
; This unregisters the key from this function, and sets it on a dummy function
HotKeySet("^v", "Dummy")
; Wait until both the ctrl and the v key are unpressed
While _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("56")
$clipboard = ClipGet()
; A newline consists of 2 characters in Windows: CR and LF.
; If you type a CR, Windows understands it as to type CRLF.
; If you type LF, same thing. So if you type CR and then LF, it
; is interpreter as CRLFCRLF. Thus two newlines.
$clipboard = StringStripCR($clipboard)
Send($clipboard, 1)
HotKeySet("^v", "ClipboardToKeystroke")
Func Dummy()
; Do nothing, this prevents the hotkey to calling the ClipboardToKeystroke
; function a lot when you hold the key down too long