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VIP Status and how to upgrade your level

VIP Status and how to upgrade your level

22 дек. 2017, 14:0222.12.17

VIP Status and how to upgrade your level

Jarls, 15 VIP levels were added in the latest update! We have prepared some information for you about what a VIP level is and how to upgrade it.

The number of VIP points you have determines the VIP status level you get, which grants various bonuses (the maximum level is 30). 

VIP status is activated when: 

- You get to the next VIP level if you gained the necessary points (the status is active for 24 hours) 

- You use the VIP Status Activation item that you can receive as a reward or purchase in the Item Store 

VIP points can also be obtained by: 

- Logging in daily (Reward for Loyalty) 

- Purchasing them as part of Bank offers 

- Buying them in the Item Store for Gold 

- Receiving them for banishing Ghosts and attacking Invaders and Uber Invaders 

- Buying them in the Clan Store for Loyalty Points 

- Receiving them as a gift after maintenance is performed in the game 

- Receiving them for passing checkpoints in Competitions 

When VIP status expires, the bonuses it grants become inactive. The number of VIP points and the VIP level remain unchanged. 

At the highest level, VIP status grants the following bonuses:

22 авг. 2018, 10:4722.08.18
A gazillion
12 сент. 2018, 10:5012.09.18
15 сент. 2018, 18:5515.09.18
16 сент. 2018, 07:39(отредактировано)


to get a high VIP Level you must buy it for gold or bank offers.

When you only rise the level with the other ways, like look on or else you need many years!

When the server is on maintenance you get some too sometimes.

12 окт. 2018, 22:3812.10.18
So basically it's a hook to cause you to spend real world $$$ 
6 янв. 2019, 16:2806.01.19
Way too many Homie!
7 янв. 2019, 00:2807.01.19

It's not been too bad recently with all the game maintenance. 

Plarium often give you the rewards of 100x 3 hour boosts and 30x 1000 VIP points. 

This helped me get through a few VIP levels.

9 янв. 2019, 00:1309.01.19

Checkout https://vikings.help/en/resources/vip/ for some great info.

Here's a quick pic from them. Main thing to note you only need 100k to get to level 10, 1.35M to get to level 17. After level 19 the points required goes crazy, 

If you make it to level 27 (28.5M points) then you need all those points again and more (32.5M) to make level 30. 

9 янв. 2019, 01:5809.01.19
9 янв. 2019, 02:02(отредактировано)

The increased bonuses between level  26 and 27 are not that noticeable, possibly with the exception of fusing gems to legendary,but how many will actually neeed to use it?

Levels 28 29 and 30 seem to be more useful.
16 июнь 2019, 01:4716.06.19
These VIP levels are for only players who either wants to spend their real cash or you are in a top 300 clan.And if not, you are just wasting your time in the game.