The simple answer is very strong very quickly .
How long is a piece of string?
The answer to your question is very similar, it is dependant on personal factors.
The table above shows the level of the cohorts for the level of the encampment, which should give you some indication of your capabilities.
The easy way to find out is try a few levels and see for yourself.
This pc level 36 is a nightmare for me. Sent 3,8 mil T4 siege: lose. Sent 7,5 millions of Tier 6 (archer and melee), and still lose.
Asking help to the game support because I thought it was a glitch, but they said it's not. I ask if I miss something, they said I'll eventually find it out. I don't know anymore.
This pc level 36 is a nightmare for me. Sent 3,8 mil T4 siege: lose. Sent 7,5 millions of Tier 6 (archer and melee), and still lose.
Asking help to the game support because I thought it was a glitch, but they said it's not. I ask if I miss something, they said I'll eventually find it out. I don't know anymore.
Reno, please continue experiments with Boosts and other bonuses to achieve the desired result😉
Their strength increases at a nonlinear rate. A lvl 21 town with t3 military can easily clear up to lvl 35. past that the difficulty jumps. Lvl 35 -> lvl 36 is an enormous step and while you may have easily made it to that point, you will need significant military upgrades to progress any further
You didn't mention how far you got, did you read the post above yours?.
Incidentally, I knew they had changed the awards given,(less valule) so typical and mean of them,that they do this after their favourites finished many, if not all the levels, but yesterday I accidentallly opened the paladins and it said 'they have got harder.'
Secondly I think siege isn't the best to use against melee.
Lastly it is the law of diminishing returns, you don't get back more than you spend,the bank has to make a profit.
Only way to win is to bet and walk away with the first return.
You didn't mention how far you got, did you read the post above yours?.
Incidentally, I knew they had changed the awards given,(less valule) so typical and mean of them,that they do this after their favourites finished many, if not all the levels, but yesterday I accidentallly opened the paladins and it said 'they have got harder.'
Secondly I think siege isn't the best to use against melee.
Lastly it is the law of diminishing returns, you don't get back more than you spend,the bank has to make a profit.
Only way to win is to bet and walk away with the first return.
I agree with most of your comments here other than siege not being best to use against melee,siege has a 50% default advantage over melee troops so siege is the best troops type to use against melee
not got that far,but surprised you battled against t3 rather than higher.
Perhaps it indicates the need for scouting first?
Can't help wonder if they changed something recently.
Having just reread the entire thread,I see more thought is needed.
If the information is up to date, the expected paladin are t3 but for the first time the number is no longer a fixed mount, but is between 1.9 and 2.5 million.
My guess would be that 3 million t5 troops would suffice, but apparantLy not, so maybe you are missing doing what the other official information suggests is needed.
I woud definitley suggest you scout first and then send the appropriate troop type.
Incidentally, I have got farther than I realised, only just a few days ago my t4 got wiped out at 36,I myself had not spotted the big step change at this level.