Conqueror of bifrost, level 7 information shows "Jasper 75? + 7D shield 75?"
What that means? Are you going to clarify the materials to obtain this level in the achievement?
Thanks in advance
You need to level up 75 new Jasper gems tp legendary and you need to attack something to drop your shield and then apply 75 weeks of peace shield. I was told that 80 Jaspers and 100 weeks of shield was what is needed for Bifrost level VII.
It's a secret achievement, so you will get no offiicial confirmation of co-ordinates.
Also, because they seem to want nothing to do with a resolution with the problems surrounding this achievement, you might find finishing it, let alone starting it,nigh on impossible.
If you can't get the first one you are stuck, as you have to do them in order.
Most of the required tiles, in many of the kingdoms are blocked by squatters who are not actively playing, have long term shields, and, or, are protected by strong clans you might find it impossible to negotiate with.
I believe the first tile is 0,0,and the seccond 1,1, and apart from there is one in Jotunheim, I can't remember the rest of the details.
Do a search of the forum, because I think they have been posted here before at least as they were once.
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