More about changes to the Clans Battle
The following features have been added to the Competition:
- 5 legendary checkpoints in Clan achievements
- Personal achievements and 15 checkpoints for them
- 7 task categories

Rewards for normal checkpoints in Clan achievements (1–10)
All Clan members* who earn at least 1 point during the Competition get prizes for passing these checkpoints. The rewards are given instantly once the Clan earns the required number of points and reaches the checkpoint.
* If you join the Clan after the Clans Battle appears in the Events window, you won't be able to earn points for your Clan, and therefore won't receive a reward for passing checkpoints.

Rewards for legendary checkpoints in Clan achievements (11–15)
To receive rewards for these checkpoints, Clan members must earn a certain number of points in personal achievements. Don't forget that each subsequent legendary checkpoint requires more points than the previous one.

Rewards for checkpoints in personal achievements
Clan members receive rewards for these checkpoints only if their Clan wins the Competition.
Now all tasks in the Clans Battle are divided into seven categories.
In each category, the Clan that earns the most points is the leader.
To win the Competition, the Clan needs to come top in more categories than its opponent.
Rewards for winning the Competition
1. Reward for Clan members
For winning the Competition, all Clan members who earned at least 1 point, receive:
- Bonuses for processes in Stronghold
- Special items – Star Shards
2. Reward for the Chief
The Chief receives resources for Clan development. The amount of resources depends on the League the Clan belongs to, and on the total number of points earned by all Clan members.