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Town Skins fact file

Town Skins fact file

8 нояб. 2019, 08:2608.11.19

Town Skins fact file

Friends, we've gathered all the information about the new Town Skins in handy tables. Now you can easily look up how to get and upgrade the Skin you like, and what bonuses it will bring you.

What Skins do you think are the most useful? Which one would you most like to get?

8 нояб. 2019, 23:3308.11.19
9 нояб. 2019, 06:11(отредактировано)

This is unbelievable the bastion of the beast skin gives a massive 10% off building speed, troop training and learning speed and is the most valuable reward for wining cvc as clan chief I spend billions of rss during the cvc and if my clan wins I only receive 400m of each rss so the bastion skin is very important to me, I recently upgraded to palace 31 the week my kingdom won fury and I upgraded my palace on the day there was additional 10% off building as bonus for that Day so it was 30% off building from fury victory 10% off building for the bonus that day and 10% off building when I activated bastion skin giving me a massive 50% off the building time of my palace 31 upgrade. I hope the bastion of the beast skin will still be given as a reward for wining the clans battle otherwise I will be quitting the game. Even the dragon skin gives 5% off building, learning and troop training and the lesser skins still give 2% which is better than nothing. Not one of the new skins have any bonus for buiding, learning, troop training march speed, rss production hero and shaman energy etc they are very poor compared to the old skins I am not impressed at all so I reallye  hope the bastion skin is still a prize for cvc victory otherwise as I said I will not be playing anymore as I have plenty rss and gold and the bastion skin is the prize I play for in the cvc even with the new personal checkpoints the gold you could get for passing them however great will not be able to replace the bastion skin which I love.

9 нояб. 2019, 08:2409.11.19

hi !

i have only 9 skins available... where is the last "north guard" ? bug ?

9 нояб. 2019, 17:3809.11.19
I do not see where it has been said that there will be no more bastion of the beast skin ...
9 нояб. 2019, 19:0109.11.19

CIM said:

I do not see where it has been said that there will be no more bastion of the beast skin ...

10 нояб. 2019, 01:3610.11.19

These new skins - will mostly be the last straw for me. I can't keep playing a game with so many WTH changes. If you want me to spend more money just come out an say that. I"m pretty much done with this game. 

10 нояб. 2019, 01:3610.11.19
Well I'm sure they didn't ask me about this damn change
10 нояб. 2019, 01:3910.11.19
I'm done with this game as well.. they don't care about us, so I don't care about them.
10 нояб. 2019, 08:3610.11.19
khabib nurmagomedov said:

CIM said:

I do not see where it has been said that there will be no more bastion of the beast skin ...

Bummer ...I am such a hoarder that I do have a good amount of these ... but now I am going to be even more careful as to when I use them ...
10 нояб. 2019, 17:0410.11.19
10 нояб. 2019, 17:10(отредактировано)
CIM said:

khabib nurmagomedov said:

CIM said:

I do not see where it has been said that there will be no more bastion of the beast skin ...

Bummer ...I am such a hoarder that I do have a good amount of these ... but now I am going to be even more careful as to when I use them ...
Me too I have 63 Home of the Aesir, 41 craddles, 18 Dragon skins but only 2 Bastion of the Beast skins will keep them for my next 2 palace upgrades.
10 нояб. 2019, 17:1210.11.19


I don't like any of the new Town Skins.

Their requirements are absurdly high.

The benefits aren't attractive.

The old Town Skins were much better and a rookie player could get them without stratospheric requirements.

I definitely don't like how this upgrade is proposed.

I hope and wish you would think a little better. Fix it somehow.


10 нояб. 2019, 18:1210.11.19
10 нояб. 2019, 18:13(отредактировано)

Hola, Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Michael. Los requisitos de las nuevas skins son muy altos, solo son para batallas y ninguno para estudio, construcción o recolección, hasta tenían energía para héroe y chaman con recuperación de energía.

Los antiguos eran mejores que las nuevas.

Un saludo, Skål !!

Hi, I totally agree with Michael. The requirements of the new skins are very high, they are only for battles and none for study, construction or collection, they even had energy for hero and shaman with energy recovery.

The old ones were better than the new ones.

Regards, Skål !!

10 нояб. 2019, 19:3310.11.19
A real bummer indeed these new skins stink and they look lame af. And whats the incentive for winning cvc now, these prizes look  abysmal
11 нояб. 2019, 09:2711.11.19

Hi Folks,

for the new town skins, there should be permanent & temporary bonuses.

from the "fact file" it's not possible to figure it out

it will be nice & helpful if you can update the "fact file".

if it's not possible to please let us know how we can figure it out by ourselves.

Thanks for your support in advanced.

11 нояб. 2019, 13:1411.11.19
11 нояб. 2019, 13:17(отредактировано)

Laird Brinni said:

This is unbelievable the bastion of the beast skin gives a massive 10% off building speed, troop training and learning speed and is the most valuable reward for wining cvc as clan chief I spend billions of rss during the cvc and if my clan wins I only receive 400m of each rss so the bastion skin is very important to me, I recently upgraded to palace 31 the week my kingdom won fury and I upgraded my palace on the day there was additional 10% off building as bonus for that Day so it was 30% off building from fury victory 10% off building for the bonus that day and 10% off building when I activated bastion skin giving me a massive 50% off the building time of my palace 31 upgrade. I hope the bastion of the beast skin will still be given as a reward for wining the clans battle otherwise I will be quitting the game. Even the dragon skin gives 5% off building, learning and troop training and the lesser skins still give 2% which is better than nothing. Not one of the new skins have any bonus for buiding, learning, troop training march speed, rss production hero and shaman energy etc they are very poor compared to the old skins I am not impressed at all so I reallye  hope the bastion skin is still a prize for cvc victory otherwise as I said I will not be playing anymore as I have plenty rss and gold and the bastion skin is the prize I play for in the cvc even with the new personal checkpoints the gold you could get for passing them however great will not be able to replace the bastion skin which I love.

I am as disappointed as you. These new skins are extremely poor. If only it was possible to select multiple ones...but oh no. I am considering as well as many other players to make an official complaint. Thank you for your post.

11 нояб. 2019, 15:4911.11.19
well I hope they change it back... if not,they want get me to play this game, any more.
11 нояб. 2019, 15:5211.11.19
this really makes me mad that they said this is what we asked for..
11 нояб. 2019, 21:5211.11.19
all of the bonuses for all of the new town skins are active all the time. Activating a town skin only changes the appearance of the town. They are all permanent bonuses once achieved.
12 нояб. 2019, 00:0312.11.19
And fix the stats picture I had to zoom in 150% just to be able to read it. Please remove this new skins update, put the game back the way it was or you'll lose me as a player also.
12 нояб. 2019, 15:0812.11.19

There is always one good question to be asked whenever Plarium says the word "Update" ...... "How much will it cost us?"

So far, the answer was NEVER .......... "Nothing, we are just improving the game play"

Is it a coincidence ?

I hope Plarium will wake up one day and realize that the gap between Big and Small players has widened more than they can afford, and when the small ones go, big ones will soon follow.

12 нояб. 2019, 15:4212.11.19
It reminds me of the directors  and management of companies that ask their shareholders to invest more money,and pay themselves inflated salaries and bonuses whilst the company struggles to make ends meet, and then goes bankrupt.