timezone Europe
A few thoughts yet again,
I'm from Scandinavia, and want to be in English clans speaking English.. Most clans also the huge ones in my kingdom are american, I can figure out by observing when there's activity (people move around yielding, sending shaman or hero eg) - which means in my case, there's not so much activity in the english ones in my day time, it's late evenings here if I wanna be in.. On the other hand to prove this, I can see lots of activity in eg. the large russian clans.. (but can't be a member there, I don't speak russian)..
I could maybe join a german one, but I don't understand german to well, a little but not much.. But they are few, and not so large (means not much activity)..
So what can be done for europeans, speaking English to also be in the game more? Making zone language, like windows... English (UK)/English(US)???? An idea?