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A writing competition! The prize fund is 5,000,000 Gold!

A writing competition! The prize fund is 5,000,000 Gold!

12 дек. 2017, 13:4812.12.17

A writing competition! The prize fund is 5,000,000 Gold!

Rulers of the North, we've started a writing competition! The prize fund is 5,000,000 Gold!

To participate, you need to:

1. Write a story on the topic “Why I like Vikings: War of Clans”.

2. Post your work in the comments under this post and specify your game ID*.

If you attach photos or screenshots to your comment, it will be to your advantage!

Competition rules:

- Only one work is accepted from each participant

- The content should not be offensive

- Only stories of the author's own composition, written specially for this giveaway, are accepted. Administration reserves the right not to accept works found to have been plagiarized.

- All photos and screenshots should be taken by you only.

Write about the advantages of Vikings: War of Clans and your personal game experience, how you got to know the Viking world and about your first steps in the military sphere. Tell us what in the game attracted you and what motivates you to be online every day. Share interesting game situations — the sky's the limit!

On 21th of December, the judging panel will select the five best works whose authors will get 1,000,000 Gold each!

Jarls, go and be inspired!

*The game ID is displayed in the "About the game" section of the Menu.

12 дек. 2017, 19:1012.12.17
12 дек. 2017, 19:15(отредактировано)


Hello, My Name is David Corson. Known as WEAREWALKINGDEAD from Kingdom 208 U2R=  ULTIMATE HAMMER Tornovarge Game ID 9966259

Well I started this game couple years ago, our kingdom was very hostile with many clans. And we tried to keep everything to keep peace but of all sudden things got whole lot better. We planned great traps and we also made clever moves to trick enemy on thinking the city was abounded. When I first joined this game, I really didn’t know anyone in this game. Everyone mostly spoke Russian, so it was hard translating, but my first clan was English and took me Long time and patience to upgrade my military also took great losses trying help small clan. My first clan was PX3 but some of them no longer play game it saddens me, but I learned from best of those players. I was helped and taught how to battle and how to outsmart enemy, we were great small clan trying make kingdom proud. Over Years we lost players and it really took effect on all of us. I quit awhile back, and my friends wanted me to come back so I did. and now I’m in this wonderful clan called U2R. we All work hard to win battles as team and sometimes we took hard losses and we always learned from out mistake. There were many players I looked up to during game. The 2 were Kaje and SKULL. Kaje is no playing but taught many ways battle in combat how to improve my gear and military. Skull is amazing clan member. he always battling with us and working as a team. We won many battles in past and present we also took heavy loses but improved so much! We work as team and we win like team and lose like a team. No matter how bad things get we always one big French/English family! What drew me into this game are battles I seen. And definite the graphics. Amazes me see it though. This game is best I ever played in my life, its addicting to play and when we BATTLE WE BATTLE WITH GLORY AND AS TEAM! VIKINGS PREPARE FOR  OUR GLORY!  This game is AMAZING I would definitely share it with my friends. I'm happy say this game is number 1. I know their bugs and all but still is AN amazing game.  This why I like this game Amazing family and great teamwork Special Thanks to Nemedis #208 on wonderful trap. SHout out rest of crew U2R! valhalla! For you!

12 дек. 2017, 21:4512.12.17
12 дек. 2017, 21:47(отредактировано)
I don't feel it is safe to post my game ID publicly here in the forum.  I would have wrote this as a pm to Ivar Marksman but seems we can not private message Ivar Marksman.
12 дек. 2017, 23:5212.12.17

My name is Esau Avendaño yeah.. ordinary name for a ordinary guy, so forget about that name as for now I go for the name of Jarl DEKUGA ! 

ID : 22743904

It all started in boring day, i was about to give up on my search for a great mobile game, for every game that I played was dull, nothing to hang on to, so I don’t know if it where the GOD’s themselves who push me to open the Play store one last time, out of no where I saw VIKINGS WAR OF CLANS, I was skeptical at the beginning but little did I know what I had found.

So I started my adventure as every single player to create my little village , I was lost and clueless of what had to be done, so I was a solo player for a few days, sacrificing my beloved Mercenaries soo foolishly a few thousands of lives where parish for my lack of leadership.. So I decided to visit the ORACLE, witch showed me the way of greatness and thought me how to March faster, Build faster and the most satisfying thing of all, I learn to make my troops even stronger and better , I was not going to make the same mistakes as my first days. But this was only the beginning.

For the first time in my life i invested on a great offer that couldn’t be rejected, the gods themselves gave me the chance to acquire this great treasure, its value was just insane!!! From this point on Odin himself shined upon my troops they got stronger and stronger my village people build better buildings and way way quicker. There was no stopping me from advancing whether I was at work, on the bus or even at home.

Few days past I met my first clan, I was still hopeless had no strategy the Jarl leader of this clan was not what I thought never saw him around no one to teach me the art of war, until a few jarls of that clan put together a formidable group and decided to build a clan from scratch didn’t last long thoe for we were been hunted and slaughter like animals , this is when I learn the way of war my blood boil for revenge I put together around 60,000 mercenaries (yeah I love those little tough guys) and plunder their city, oh man so much loot to bring back but war never ended, at that time I was a nameless little village so DEKUGA was born and Kingshold town was born as well.

At this point I was looking for active jarls who fought and were not just simple farmers, and met my third and last clan I never felt more at home then these guys a whole new community of great talks and with one common objective GREATNESS !!!! My progression skyrocket from here with my Palace growing and growing, soo much futures came along, with it every level on my palace gave me the chance for my clan jarls to help me build and learn even quicker there is no stopping, everything was peaceful and going perfectly until one jarl of ours betrayed the rules and slaughter many resources camps this trigger a war that hasn’t ended until the day even thoe he was exile from the clan it made no difference.

Clan vs Clan this event and Kingdom Vs kingdom has saved us from this war giving us new targets to focus on and a lot of great rewards but this ends and war comes again, the only path is VICTORY!!!

ill attach a monster that has been haunted me but nothing will stop me for I am on the path of greatness.

13 дек. 2017, 02:1513.12.17

User: 3354763

I started playing Vikings in January 2016. I started playing because my partner had heard the game was good and wanted us to play together. We started off in our own little clan but were quickly approached to merge our clan with the ‘baby sister’ clan of the biggest clan in our kingdom! We did extremely well there and helped the clan to grow. By April, I was head hunted by the bigger clan. Total no brainer lol, by this time I was totally addicted so securing my partner a place too, we moved clans. I wanted to fight and wanted to be the only woman elder among men in the most fierce clan of our kingdom! Within 2 months I achieved this and got a reputation for being very friendly and approachable. I am one of very few women in my kingdom that fights (I think there are only 3-4) I love a good onslaught and learned quickly that troops are made to die, although my kill/death ratio is pretty good. 

I have stayed in that same clan ever since. I found a home. The reason I love Vikings and continue to play is not only the fighting, it’s the friends I have made, the comradery and the laughs and fun I have with my clan mates. I wasn’t sure a war game was for me but almost 2 years later and I’m still playing! I’ve learned a lot in those two years, my now chief was the only person to ever zero me and that was in the first week of playing, he has since apologized 😂😂 but tbh, I’m grateful as it made me the player I am today. 
13 дек. 2017, 07:3313.12.17

CIM said:

I don't feel it is safe to post my game ID publicly here in the forum.  I would have wrote this as a pm to Ivar Marksman but seems we can not private message Ivar Marksman.

Hey, CIM. They often hold competitions in their official page on FB, I took a part of this a few times. I don't think that specify your ID here can be a danger to your account. I haven't heard about this.

The only that I know - you should not write your login and password to somebody, this can be a real threat.

So I think there is no reason be a worry. 

13 дек. 2017, 08:2713.12.17

SteelTorin said:

CIM said:

I don't feel it is safe to post my game ID publicly here in the forum.  I would have wrote this as a pm to Ivar Marksman but seems we can not private message Ivar Marksman.

Hey, CIM. They often hold competitions in their official page on FB, I took a part of this a few times. I don't think that specify your ID here can be a danger to your account. I haven't heard about this.

The only that I know - you should not write your login and password to somebody, this can be a real threat.

So I think there is no reason be a worry. 

Yeah I'm totally agree I saw a plethora of contests on the FB where they ask to share user ID in comments and I’ve never seen any complaints then. Don't be worry so much 

13 дек. 2017, 14:0113.12.17
OK ... thanks for the input ... I just am very cautious about such stuff ... I will consider what you say ... :)
14 дек. 2017, 02:4714.12.17

Name - Pie_Face

User ID - 19564406

I was looking in the app store one day for your typical, build city - attack people game when I came across Vikings War of Clans. I was coming off of three years of Clash of Clans experience so I thought it would be similar to that in some ways... how could I be so wrong. When I say this I don't mean this in a negative way, I was just very surprised and not sure what to expect. I decided to try it out and was happily surprised. The attacking - building- training aspect of this game was far more complex than any of my prior games.

I joined a small clan in my kingdom, after being easily recruited by (what I thought to be a huge player at the time) an 18mil who was a leader of the second best clan. I stayed there for a couple days but it was filled with inactivity and small members. I turned to the best clan in the kd at the time who accepted me. I stayed there for a week where i made some friends who were lived in Europe (i am from western USA). They made a plan to leave the clan and I was invited to join them. Together we grew as a clan... but then war broke out. i got in an argument with an elder from the clan we left which led to a huge war. I got zeroed for my first time then, which did not feel good, and it was the only real war ive been in since. As the war went on we raced to build our sh and we won... only by a day. As our first inter-kingdom event was approaching, i realized there was little place for the two best clans to be fighting. I went back and forth between clans trying to restore peace. it worked in the end but both of those clans started to fall apart. I left my clan and moved to the clan we were fighting originally.

During the first kvk I did outstandingly well (I still have not beat that score today) being a 40M that put up over 7b points. The clan I was in soon fell apart and a new clan was formed. I stayed for a while but when there were a few active members left I moved to the new clan. it took some work to get in because all of the elders were the people we had been fighting. When i joined i met many new people and have been there for 6 months without one thought of leaving.

All while this was going on a separate clan was formed. They had a lot of influence and were number one for  a while. We recently "merged" with that clan and have exponentially grown i size. We just passed 40B in the last cvc.I have learned a lot from this clan, most importantly how to play. I have gotten to know all of the members and we have grown together.

I like this game because I have met many people through it. My clan always has my back when I need it and vice versa. I am glad I found this game and was placed in my kd i was. I am the youngest person in our clan and possibly in the kingdom. it is nice to get to know so many people through an epic battle game. Especially my chief Molon | Lave and an elder Marrauder. Over my 2/3 year playing I have accumulated over 1100 screenshots too;)

thank for reading :)

ps... the best part of above all is zeroing my enemies :D

below are some of my greatest (and worst) moments...  ***The defenses on other towns are reinforcements of mine

15 дек. 2017, 05:4115.12.17

Hi! My name is Trevon Hollis and my I.D. is 4652574. My in-game name has changed over the course of my time playing but it is currently SIΣGΣ. The clan I'm in is [HC10] Havoc Descending in Kingdom 97 (Heggeland).

My kingdom has had problems from the beginning, all ranging from a group of tyrants or dictators, to a rogue violator of peace. My clan has always been treated unfairly, although some clans think we were because of our size made them feel like we deserved less than what we actually did. Dictators still walk my kingdom today, and some of them I considered friends at one point, but now I realize that all things change and that nothing remains the same forever. With that said, maybe my kingdom can pull together or drift even more apart, because unification efforts that were tried we're unsuccessful, so if unification is this difficult, maybe it isn't meant to be. My clan doesn't have many fighters and a clan of dictators consider us enemies -- well one day the hunters will know the fear of being the hunted. As long as I breath, these dictators will always have an adversary, and I intend on breathing for a good long time. 

My most memorable moment was when I broke off for 3.5 million kills, and 500k of those were from a successful defense. The guy that attacked me was double my size but wasn't prepared for what I had in store for him. 

My first reason of why I love the game is because of the way it serves as a communication and connection hub. I feel like if I didn't play the game, my life would be a lot more boring because I wouldn't be talking to those that I met in the game. The people in my clan have developed a special relationship -- we are basically family. We cherish eachother's accomplishments and we are there for eachother whenever something happens that makes one of us cry. We have been fused together for about 2 years and some change. Whenever I leave my clan, for whatever reason it was, I get a bit depressed because I want to immediately go back to what I consider my second family. Also, we have members in our clan of different cultures and learning about them and their cultures are incredibly interesting. I have created a saying that fits HC10 because of how much we are pressured by our kingdom adversaries, "When adversity faces us, we ascend, and when it is time, Havoc descends upon our unlucky foes!". 

                                                                                                            Another reason why I love the game is because of the cooperation required. Having proper coordination in forming an onslaught and trap can be even deadlier than a full march of Slayers of Utgard. Cooperation can also be efficient in non-kill events (like the Kingdoms Battle: Revenge) or conditional kill or no kill events (like the Clans Battles). For example, having different banks log in at different, scheduled times during the day can allow for full coverage of resource withdrawals during the entire day. During the Kingdoms Battle (if we are fully engaged in it) or the Clans Battle, we always have a spotter and a hitter. The spotter calls out targets of interest that our hitters attack, whether it be a tile or a town. This creates great spotter-hitter duos that gradually increase the relationship between eachother as they keep spotting or hitting.  

                                                                                             The third reason why I love the game is because of the grinding I have to put in to be the best me that I can possibly be. I always look at who is at the top of the offense ranking and I aspire to be up there. I am still in the progress of boosting my defense knowledge. I'm a firm believer in a good offense is a great defense, which is the reason I primarily targeted defense first. In a few more months, I should be in prime position to start attacking comfortably.   

                                                                                                    My final reason on why I love the game is because of the burning sensation I get whenever I annihilate someone who has an adversaries tag in front of their name. There is a difference between burning some for personal pleasure and for business, I get incredibly satisfied burning some who I feel deserved it because of who they are associated with as opposed to burning someone just for points. In conclusion, the game has allowed me to make new friends, destroy annoying enemies, and gives me something to do in my free time. Hopefully in future updates, we are allowed to move to another kingdom so we all can connect with more, different individuals and learn about their journeys from where they began to where they got to. 

"Warriors are not always the fastest or strongest. Strength and speed can be developed through training. Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that they love and hold sacred."

(I did have a screenshot to show but my mobile device has been acting funny lately but it was an onslaught where we lost 177k ranged troops and I lost 7 million influence whereas the enemy lost 770k melee troops and 11 million influence) 

15 дек. 2017, 15:5915.12.17

Game ID : 19655436

Why I like Vikings : War of clans

..... and why not ?

This game is made for all kind of players, for example if you like building, farming, war or a strategy game this game has all of them.

But I love this game mostly because it’s a strategy game and apparently the best strategy game I have found, it has a great strategy in attacking and defending so for someone to play he needs to be experienced in these type of things, for example when you attack someone who has 10m troops 5m t1 and 5m t5 1m each type (melee,ranged, .... etc) to win with maximum number of kills and minimum number of deaths you have to prepare an onslaught with at least 10 participants each with hero set on only one type of troops for example melee and another one for siege and so with all legendary gear from special gear from SH and gems and so, so 5 of participants send 300-400k of t1 each for one type as a shield for the rest of participants who will send 300-400k of t5 each type, now with all players hero on one type and special gear for one type and with boosts on you will have unstopable army, but to prepare an onslaught like this you will need time so this strategy is better in defence, It’s kind of the same way only the one who is defending must have atleast 10m t1 2m each type with lynx gear and reinforced by 5 clanmates each hero set on one type with special gear with 200-400k t5-6 each type and now you have an unbeatable army, For all of that to be done there must be experienced players and players who has understood VIKINGS : WAR OF CLANS’s strategy.

And that’s why I love this game, this game shows us that nothing is impossible you can do anything with knowledge, patience, time, planing and mostly teamwork.

Another good feature of this game is that to get that power to do big attacks and having an unstopable army you need knowledge, gear from invaders and resources for them, thats another reason you need teamwork and clans because to get knowledge and all that you need resources which everyone in the clan need to share with each other and especially farmers and ones who are more experienced in farming not in fighting.

A game for everyone Farmers, fighters and builders and all together in the clan help each other to help them in their own work.


With all respect 😊

15 дек. 2017, 16:1815.12.17
15 дек. 2017, 16:20(отредактировано)

User ID:- 15209482

How I got addicted to Vikings: War of Clans



"Vikings: War of Clans — the name itself was enough to attract me to download this game in November 2015."

I bought my 1st phone in August 2015, and for 3 months I didn't find any interesting games. I had seen this game advertisement many times on Facebook, where I found this game, and saw the video and graphics. As I started playing, I found it more interesting. Then I deleted all my other games and focused entirely on Vikings.

The setting of the game is very handy and smooth to quickly access many tabs. Sounds and music play an important role in war games. I always prefer music and sounds ON during a battle event and it is thrilling. I appreciated the update when Plarium put quick access to the Events window on the Global Map.

"Once I started playing this game, I never liked other online games. Whenever I tried to quit the game, I came back again after a few days, because no other games are better than Vikings."

It is full of Fun and Fight. I made many good friends from all over the world because of Vikings and because we are connected through this game and social media, I find it very captivating. Every coin has two sides, not necessarily everyone likes you and that's the Fun. I had played other war games as well, but Vikings is best of all and best for all.

It’s not necessary to always have peace in Kingdoms — too much sugar in anything can cause diabetes. I am no better than anyone, but neither am I worse.

"I never had an addiction to any game until I found Vikings: War of Сlans."

Whenever I have some free time, instead of taking a rest I prefer logging in and playing the game to be energetic. One of my attempts to quit the game was during the Kingdoms Battle against Kingdom #2, when we had 20B back and even after die-hard work of Rityarn #51 we lost our first Kingdoms Battle a few weeks back. That time my best friend and our beloved chief MÖRDER decided to quit the game because of the first loss in the Kingdoms Battle. So I also decided to quit, but, as usual, an addiction is the prison where the lock is inside, and I came back.

"My longest session in the game"

Not only my longest session, but probably the longest session for all Rityarn players was during our Kingdoms Battle against 82, when we had only 8 hours and we covered a 20B gap in less than 4 hours with killing, farming and hunting Invaders and we were proud of each player. It was not only the longest but also the toughest and the most pressing session of the game when I played almost 19–20 hours a day.

"Skills or luck?"

This game is about neither skills nor luck, it's about tactics: how you play and choose your enemy and a combination of luck and skill. Once you decide to win, nothing can stop you. Your Influence doesn't matter when you play as a team. Players with low skills are targeted in the game and they help to make the enemy drop their shield.

"Kingdoms Battles"

The first Kingdoms Battle was introduced around May 2016, and after that I went to Bangalore, India for some official work of my company. At that time, I was in Sparta Clan when the first Kingdoms Battle was introduced. After about 2 months, on 13 July 2016, I joined the “51WAR - Warmongers” Clan under the guidance of Schnarffs and have been there since. At that time, the Kingdoms Battle was a game-changing point in Vikings. It was not only an event, but players who used to be opponents and enemies in the same Kingdom became friends, and it brought brotherhood and brought back the spirit of the game.

"Social network and community from all over the world and I made very good friends with the help of Vikings."

You can say that this game is made for communicating with each other. Like in Rityarn — there are a few lovebirds and they are now married to each other.

Moreover, I would like to share some personal happiest moments with Vikings.

I have my best friend in the game from Germany. We are miles away from each other, but still our hearts are connected.

"Brotherhood with MÖRDER and Ring."

We as a Kingdom were happy to help when some players had trouble in their personal lives. When our beloved Konung Schnarffs quit the game because he became the father of a very cute boy named Kai, we didn't stop him, because sometimes real life is more important than games.

We as a Kingdom proved ourselves to be the best example of teamwork by winning 34 Kingdoms Battles in a row, but we just lost our 35th Kingdoms Battle against Kingdom #2, Salgards.

● We Love Our Kingdom

● We Love Vikings

● Vikings for Life

The best sentence to motivate me for the Kingdoms Battle is, 

"I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done."

●My Current Kingdom is 73

●Team of Flovin 

●Wild Retribution

16 дек. 2017, 16:2316.12.17
16 дек. 2017, 16:32(отредактировано)

Why i like Vikings: War of Clans? 


At first I found it boring, but for several hours, after a day or even two days, I began to get into the fever of the game :)), trying to make me better and better, to get to a bigger influence and also to find out that some people in this game have the kids with me :)), after a while I could say I went into.

User id - 1780936

The downloading of the game was a mere chance we were looking for a strategy game and something told me to download "heeei I'm here"

I do not have a certain experience in the game, but all I can say is that it's worth playing, it's a pleasure

My name in game is inferno 66

18 дек. 2017, 11:1818.12.17

User ID: 23178453

Name in game: Imperador Tí

Kingdoms: 490 - Osvartstad

Vikings: War of Clans

Initially the idea was just to try the game. But when I started to play and see the graphics and the idea of the game I fell in love. Then I decided to attach the tool to the pleasing one. Because most of my relatives are living in France. And I soon realized that the game could be a way to get together and communicate. I decided to invite them and today most of them play with me. Another thing I love about the game is being able to meet other people, from other countries and other cultures and another language. And we all make an effort to communicate with each other. This for me is not just a game. This is a way to bring people together. In relation to the game played, I really like the competitions that are appearing in the game and I also like the innovations. There are always new things coming up so no one can lose interest in the game. You guys are really doing a great job with this game because I've already experienced games like this and I've always got tired and not this time. Each time I feel like playing more and often I even forget the time. Thank you all for giving me the pleasure of playing something with great pleasure.

Best regards,

Tiago Trindade

19 дек. 2017, 06:3519.12.17

User ID:  14978038

Name in game: nbassil

kingdom: 322 Terkolved

Scrolling around the map looking for unshielded  active towns  during a kvk  can sometimes be  annoying!!  Nevertheless  whenever I find  an unshielded town this scenario runs in my mind:

Jarl: Men!! Today is a glorious day!! We have found an unshielded level 24 town!! We are going to attack!!

Troop: Excuse me Jarl, don't you think we should scout first? It could be reinforced!!

Jarl: Yeeesss, good thinking!! Ironside (hero) gather 1 march of your finest stalkers and scout that town! I want to know what is in there!!

Ironside: Yes sir.

Jarl: The rest start boosting the troops with attack boost and reduces. I don't want  any heavy loses! Be quick !!

A few moments later after the espionage success:

Ironside: Jarl nbassil! It seems that there is a lot of resources yet not that much troops. A couple of hundred thousands only

Jarl: Alright then, this is it!! ready the men and attack!! I have prepared the melee special gear for you. Put it on and take 460k legionaries and show them what a true viking looks like!!

selecting town, clicking on attack, selecting troops, selecting send, selecting yes to unshield and attack... then quickly selecting items, military, Peace Treaty... "Phew! I'm safe!" or so i thought!! After i hit that town, I wanted to check the report to see how my troops did but instead was surprised by this report!! I was attacked and wiped in seconds without me even noticing!!

20 дек. 2017, 18:0120.12.17

Game ID: 8895737

The White Raven

K71 ; Clan: BB2B

I was first introduced into the game in August 2016 by my Best friend and I have built myself up a massive army and am now a lol 26 palace.

I have  met some amazing players in the game and became family with them and even friends on Facebook. We work together as a team, we share the same blood, sweat and tears in times of competition. We pulled our kingdom out of turmoil into peace. We have won and lost but above all else we have become 1 strong unit!

I love Vikings, the graphics,  all the tasks and objectives to complete, it keeps us all going. 

We miss the old days where we got a week break between comps to recoup. But ultimately we keep on going like the energizes bunny! 
21 дек. 2017, 02:1921.12.17
21 дек. 2017, 02:37(отредактировано)

 Game ID 23540553


K498 Clan Hellheimr

I roared louder than the sound a glacier makes as a chunk breaks off. My good gaming laptop had hit the floor that once too many times.  It would be too miserable to play games on  my business type one. I contemplated the horror of Candy Crush on facebook.  Someeone's mother probably needeed a life and then an ad for Vikings came up. 

Right away I liked the variety. There seemed to be so many ways to get things done. I also liked that the competitions  meant gold was something all could have with effort and teamwork.  

I had my  doubts about a team of 100.  I started out in one that while they had agreed the only outcome was to be the best wasn't really acting like they wanted it.  I awoke dazed one  night after my migraine medication had finally kicked in and knockeed me out for 18 hours. My entire clan was on  fire and a lot of them were clearly not coming back.  

I had 6 men but these things happen. I had already applied to the clan I am in now before the epic migraine and bonfire of my first clan.  I had a message from their chief and a desire to carry on so I moved North briefly. All the uber carnage sent me South again but I had not given up and this was a group who didnt't just agree number one was the only option they were working to make that a reality.

They had people with experience. Some had played together and at first I was nervous and shy. While I had retreated to a less uber filled area of the kingdom for invaders I could handle and less congested nodes I was happy this too could help my clan. 

I stood up for my fondness for whacking  invaders with my sword until they coughed up something useful and prepared too do battle. 

I warmed up for it earlier today. Then I made a fatal error with my clan. I left the computer. A target that had been discussed hours earlier was beinng discusseed still as I positioned the computer and my dog. (He always hopes it is time for Netflix )  I blame the dog for missing any of that one attack.  The enemy was loaded with resources. After our mightier warriors had emptied them fully convoys went out to other jarls building up for the next attack or the one after that.   

In the barracks my men glumly polished their boots and complained about missing out until one shouted, " Look!"  It was the  guard tower that had seemed impossibly expensive just an hour before going up and as you never know  how things can go in the long run the mead hall being expanded.  Knew text books full of knowledge landed with a thunk and the promise of more to come.  

How asked the men had the other things got built on time.  The boring quarries and so on.  

That was easy. I had  Danicus had threatened to put on cheerleader gear if people didn't send their Shamen to hit a ghost.  So they did. They must fear that more than  losing 2.5 million troops to a nap....  Boosts flowed and more inspiring things began to be built. See you at 22:00 the men chanted until told that the enemy knowing a guard was bribed wasn't the smartest. They were silenced with mead. 

We watched the flames burn down and laughed that situated at the side of all the chaos was a little Jarl with Optimism in his nick. Our clan was optimistic that the enemy would not be when they woke up and about out ability to work together going forward. 

Sure all I did was threaten to don cheerleader gear...  

21 дек. 2017, 03:5621.12.17
21 дек. 2017, 03:58(отредактировано)

Game ID - 15803207

Player Name - NewUser-23X

Kingdom - #341 Sheyrnghaard

It was with nervous trepidation, I took my first tentative baby steps, and immersed myself into the Vikings world. I made my way through the informative tutorial, and started to build my town, fascinated by all the cool buildings that a jarl could construct, and the purpose of each building in the town, I looked at the various troops a jarl could train in his barracks, wishing I had the knowledge to train them all! As I gained strength in knowledge, and upgraded my town, I began venturing out into the kingdom on the global map, with its fantastic graphics, you can see your hero attacking the vicious invaders, threatening the kingdom, also troops marching to various places, and even towns of jarls recently attacked on fire! I began chatting with other jarls on the common chat feature, I noticed different jarls, from many different countries, soon made friends, and was invited to join a clan! The clan experience added a whole new dimension to my Vikings experience, with many members all helping each other to grow by sharing resources and game knowledge, with competitions against other clans, in clans battle, as well as other events, it instilled a strong sense of community, and family atmosphere. My heart raced with excitement as I launched my first attack on another jarls town, "somebody slipped up" I thought as I sent my troops in to battle, and couldn't contain my jubilation, letting out a "YES!!", as the enemy's town burst into flames! I had many jarls mention the offers and deals in the game bank, and decided to have a look, the packages are reasonably priced, and in a couple easy steps, had all the items deposited directly into my inventory, ready to use. Vikings has provided many hours of enjoyment, and a great escape from a hectic life when I've needed a little break from reality, I've gotten to chat with people from all over the world and have even formed friendships with some, and although I've played other, similar games, I've not found one that combines all these experiences, or offers the same enjoyment! Thanks Plarium, great game!!

21 дек. 2017, 06:1021.12.17

ID: 21036447

Name: Metfan

Kingdom: #367, Amyungreyn

I am actually older than most members in the game. And while I may not be the fastest at accomplishing some things, it has given me a strong

edge in my ability to see moves ahead of my younger and more impetuous friends and foes. I found the game by accident actually and started

playing and building my town and figured maybe I would come back tomorrow. I started growing and was asked to join a clan, I did. Enjoyed the

fact the clan was mostly Australian, some US. I 
Kept coming back primarily for the social aspect but when I finally did fight, I loved the fighting.

The game has the ability to allow you to put as much action in it as you want, when you want. So it kind of gets my heart pumping. When I put on

my attack gear, and I put on my boosters, and I know I am going to shed that shield, I get a nervous anticipation. I am going to hunt now. I am

going to fight now. In the fictional world vikings of war provides, this is real, I feel it in real life. What could be better than that.

Below is just one of the lessons I have taught a young foe when he changed his name to mock me. I think he has learned his lesson well.

21 дек. 2017, 07:4621.12.17
21 дек. 2017, 13:33(отредактировано)

Abyssal Saint K136   ID 6749430

Why I like Vikings: War of Clans

I joined Vikings on a whim actually. I was escaping an escalating progression of another war game I could not keep up with. I caught a commercial of Vikings on television and figured I would take a gander at what it had to offer.... and the saga began: 

Glistening bulbs of light were spewed across the kingdom like the dust fallen from a fairies flight. The birth of 136 was in full swing. Chatter filled the Kingdom Chatrooms of bustling voices with a stranger's tongue. Alliances were quickly forged and dreams of formidable empires began spiraling in conquest of members wishing to take this venture. 

With the celerity of a hummingbirds pulse, a power from the East arose from the Russian clan Virus : Wonry. War ripped through 136 like the cry of a banshee. Some clans crumbled while others merged trying to salvage the heat from a fire to escape the carnage of an empty tomb.

As the sky began to burn and the ground began to boil, a small band a Vikings was seen peering through the smoke like it was a quilted curtain. Pit bull, Stark and a few others stalked the bear to its slumber outside the millennium forest without his protective shield. Together the forces joined to form the massive Onslaught and cut a path,which still burns today, to the brash giant. Soon we were met with flowering eruptions of fire and the sight of returning troops decorating the hillside. As we all watched Wonry burn that day, somewhere inside we were humbled by the experience.

Many times I find myself combing K136 and stopping at a "Dead Account." Most of these moments are met with a smile and I can recall some sort of memory or impact they had on my gaming experience as the aforementioned I shared. 

What do I like most about Vikings: War of Clans? I have been lucky to meet great people and make greater friends, while playing Vikings, from all over the world. The game and its players become more and more competitive and I find myself filled with sweeping emotions in moments of victory and, at times,  on the gallows of defeat. At this point, I truly hope only the best is still yet to come. 

_LEGN of Godz

Abyssal Saint

21 дек. 2017, 09:3621.12.17

My name is Tor; I go by many names in this game, but my friends call me Tor. My ID is 18015127. I joined this game and kingdom 377 earlier this year. I had seen an advert on Facebook and was intrigued. At the time I first caught sight of this world I was in the middle of writing a novel abiut Vikings. I therefore decided to download the game and see if inspiration might strike. 

The thing I love about this game, more than anything else, is the people. I get to take a glimpse into other people's lives, whether I like the person or not. The members of my clan are some of the best people I have had the pleasure to spend time with. They have been nothing but kind and friendly from the moment I joined. When my real life fell apart over the summer, my clansmen were there to pick me up and help me carry on. For that I am eternally grateful. 

There are also players in my kingdom who I don't like, often because they are rude or offensive or just unkind people, but that just makes me appreciate the bonds I have formed with my clansmen so much more. 

The military aspects of this game also pose a fun challenge; trying to work out if a town is a trap, scouring the map for inactive towns and watching hives go up in flames. However, it is hard to get invokved heavily with the military aspects when you can't afford to pay all the time, when other players think you're a joke for doing things the slow way, but that's just another thing which makes me appreciate my low-paying clan even more. We work as hard as we can and we invest our time instead of our money so that the bonds of our friendship will not be pulled apart by people offering us more power as part of a bigger clan. 

My clansmen, I salute you - the mighty WooHas. 


p.s. can't add screenshots on mobile. 

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