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Removing dead accounts

Removing dead accounts

24 май 2018, 21:4524.05.18

Removing dead accounts

If game developers were able to remove the dead accounts, those inactive or offline for more than 2 weeks or so, there would be alot more area to work with as far as setting up strongholds and such and make room for those that do play and want to continue.  They are just taking up space that someone else could use.  

This is just a suggestion, but I hope the developers take it into consideration and try to clean the kingdoms up a bit.
24 май 2018, 22:1624.05.18

I just used about seven relocations and pillaged about 200,000,000 resources from inactive towns today. 

As far as making room for strongholds, you can exile any non-clan member outside of the SH's bounds once it's complete.

25 май 2018, 04:5425.05.18
Yeah, but they have to be a certain level to get anything from them and I have some near me that have only been in the game for a few hours and off the game for over 5 weeks.  I have a clan to think about as well and trying to find anywhere decent is hard enough without all of the "dead" towns cluttering the place up.  Would also be nice if when you buy a shield it cam back automatically for the remainder of it's time when you attacked someone or if there were some for less than 8 hours if you are stalking or working on gathering points for events.
25 май 2018, 07:3325.05.18

rnh416 said:

Would also be nice if when you buy a shield it cam back automatically for the remainder of it's time when you attacked someone or if there were some for less than 8 hours if you are stalking or working on gathering points for events.

No, No, No...

We have already only a few second for make a counter attack... if remaining shield what put back automatically, counter attack will become impossible...

Worse, it will make trapping impossible... when my trap is ready, i usually attack a dead city for drop my shield and wait for somebody to hit the trap... but if shield are put back automatically, people will need to wait until shield drop from itself for trapping...

In fact, the reverse will be more fun... i play a game similar to this one but with some subtle difference... some good and some bad... one good is that like with viking, shield drop when you attack... but then, you need to wait 15 min before being able to put a shield again... result is a game with more fighting, more like a cat and mouse game...

As for remove city inactive 2 week, no way... soon, it is summer and i will take 4 week holiday... will really piss me off if my account was deleted... delete city below lvl 6 who have never buy any bank package and who are 3 month or more inactive, i agree... they are usually people who have try the game and direct give up

25 май 2018, 11:1825.05.18


not delete all inactive jarls!!

The most need them for resources.

When delete only the small level inactive jarls.

Jarl under level 16 could delete when they are over 15-20 weeks off.

7 сент. 2018, 09:2007.09.18
leave it how it is ya clowns
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