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Vikings: War of Clans

Vikings: War of Clans

15 июль 2021, 15:2715.07.21

Vikings: War of Clans

I have a friend who doesn't use anything ask me a question about this game so I figured I'd come here and ask since I can't find the answer. She says there's these rewards/boosters that you can earn/buy in-game, and she really https://vshare.onl/  wants to know how to gift them to people within her clan. Does anyone here know anything about this? Thanks in advance. https://omegle.onl/ 

15 июль 2021, 17:2515.07.21

Is quote not working.?

I would suggest that this 

''Vikings: War of Clans

I have a friend who doesn't use anything ask me a question about this game so I figured I'd come here and ask since I can't find the answer. She says there's these rewards/boosters that you can earn/buy in-game, and she really wants to know how to gift them to people within her clan. Does anyone here know anything about this? Thanks in advance.'' 

is some kind of spam.

15 июль 2021, 17:2815.07.21

My actual  thoughts were.

This is a load of Bulls***

Its identical to the same sob story that we have already seen previously. 

Why would anyone ask a third party  who also seems to have no working knowledge of the game  consult them about some quandry?

Let alone raise the even older no go area ,subject of gifting, which is not an operational  function, that anyone really playing the game would already know .

16 июль 2021, 13:3116.07.21

Is quote not working.?

I would suggest that this 

''Vikings: War of Clans

I have a friend who doesn't use anything ask me a question about this game so I figured I'd come here and ask since I can't find the answer. She says there's these rewards/boosters that you can earn/buy in-game, and she really wants to know how to gift them to people within her clan. Does anyone here know anything about this? Thanks in advance.'' 

is some kind of spam.

Hi ANYONE! It works, but not for the topic itself! :)