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Looking for new clan

Looking for new clan

7 июнь 2021, 01:2707.06.21

Looking for new clan

Hi future clan mates! I was a dedicated clan member who started this game in 2018. The last few months my clan became selfisch and favoring the members off the nationality by which it was created. Siege of the SH with reputes allways givin to the same players and fillin it up with double marches each with 3250% troop boosters when their is no competition givin noone else a chance to participate but pushing to participate with double marches and boosters when there is a competition. Off course their then only sending single marches and take the reputes. All this too  say i am fed up with it and looking for a more democratic clan who understands that fury is won with OS instead of hitting towers alone till level 3.

I am a cavelry and spy player with the equipement, inlays and knowledge tree (except attack secret), need last star in Helheim. I am a +400.000.000.000 infl. player basic without troops but carrying 700.000.000.000 infl. on top with troops.

Looking for a clan that dont carry too many members and needing a cavelry player. I am CET time but allways work the late shift but i am playing in the hours during the night also.

Future Clan needs:

- SH level 4

- Own POP

- KD in peace treaty - no active war!

- Preferably Max. 25 active players

- Various and all troop types and in need or lacking Cavelry type

Contact me: [email protected]  
