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clan recruitment

clan recruitment

31 янв. 2017, 23:4031.01.17

clan recruitment

Riddle box (RDLBX) in Kingdom #258 is looking for new clan members .

We are looking for daily players with a passion for the game.

We are a social group with a lot of clan chat and would welcome players that are dedicated and play on a daily basis.

If you are only new and wish to learn more about the game,Please feel free to join us on our journey . We have no problem with passing on any knowledge we have , we ourselves are learning new thing every day . we consider the only silly question is the one not asked .

So if you are interested contact our Chief, Pharoseas @ (RDLBX) in kingdom #258

1 фев. 2017, 13:4601.02.17
9 янв. 2019, 04:42(отредактировано)
Commander Doom: The X are looking for members that came be active atleast once a day with our clan.
2 фев. 2017, 16:0702.02.17
Your clan isn't even real.  #YouSuck
3 фев. 2017, 12:3803.02.17

Looking for new active players to our clan:

Gniew Sugrydy - Kingdom 308 Daalgskved

16 март 2017, 21:2816.03.17
156 clan The-AESIR is recruiting active players size isn't an issue. We will help you.
17 март 2017, 15:3517.03.17
The Old School Bunch is looking for new recrute's if your above 500k influnence and are interested in joining a great clan  lots of chat and working together, we are in Vaardeskheym realm313. Look us up...
17 март 2017, 16:1717.03.17

Good Morning all,

Kingdom #287 Akajorvad

Clan 4HNR

We are currently trying to rebuild our clan, we are daily  players looking for active players, come check us out and if you have any questions let me know!! Hope to see ya soon!!
17 апр. 2017, 09:4217.04.17

Hi there, I'm recruiting new blood for our clan in kingdom 300. I'm Cheif Viacrys from Freyja's Fields Clan. We have our stronghold and are going from strength to strength. We consistently win CvC and our Kingdom has won every KvK for the last 3 months.

We are not the biggest clan in Vilnigirst, nor the mightiest, but we support and help our clan members where we can and encourage our younglings to greatness and honor. 

Join kingdom 300, search on list of clans, find Freyja's Fields, hit the join clan button. All new members get a welcome pack of 1m each resource. 

18 апр. 2017, 20:4818.04.17

Viking Clan Austria



im Königreich 362 Myulnaheym sucht Mitglieder.

1 окт. 2018, 20:2901.10.18
Looking for active players our clan is great and We will help send rss to you to help with building,knowledge,training and we all are one group everyone gots a say. Chief is always available also. Our Kingdom is 574 and clan is cayden. We aren’t the biggest clan nor sh high yet but we haven’t lost a cvc. Our sh was built and buildings done in less than a week. So we’re moving fast and strong each and every day. 
24 фев. 2019, 21:2424.02.19

Our clan called “[343L] - LEGENDS -” with a level “3” Stronghold in Kingdom Roggerdher #343 is looking for active players with passion for the game. We are an international clan with free spirit. We are in top 5 in kingdom. If you are above 500k influence and you are interested in joining a great clan, lots of chats and working together, we are waiting for you. All members here are like family, all help each other when needed with rss or any other way helping with building, knowledge, training. We are tough and we usually win CVC’s, KVK’s too, as there is good cooperation with the other clans during KVK.

Find us in Kingdom Roggerdher #343 (coordinates 254:570). Contact with chief APOLLO or Elders…

2 март 2019, 14:2302.03.19

Active English clan in 703. We r rebuilding and seeking active English speaking players. We are the top English clan in 703 and focus our attention on enemy kingdoms/clans for cvc & kvk. Seeking active players who are online daily, growing, & team players. We do not have a minimum influence requirment but are seeking ppl who arw growing daily.

3 март 2019, 18:2903.03.19
K446 UGAIM recruiting all are welcome. We have a lv3 sh and are a peaceful clan in a peaceful kingdom.We consistantly win personal cvc comps and participate in all kvk and kvkr competitions to full effect. English/french and italian members FULLY ACTIVE please pm me Lord B Brawk of ugaim k446 for more info many thanks
3 март 2019, 23:2703.03.19

Blood Eagle One morresing kingdom #784 we are looking for players to join our little family join as to make the eagle fly as brothers in arms!!!!!!!!!!!

P.M me and you will get sit in our fire too mates !!!!!!!!!!!

25 июнь 2019, 11:0425.06.19
BearDrummer said:

Okay, here's the question that's being asked.  How does one contact your Chief, Pharoseas @ (RDLBX) in kingdom #258

18 июль 2019, 23:5618.07.19
Hey people im Garr im one of the Top Players in the game if you saw my skill and constant global ranks  you would see this im sick of shit im ready to move im taking my time to find the right place,, i must be the leader or have the keys to the safe i hate transformations running 24/7,, i need no elder ever telling me how to play the game or make my desicions i am my own boss im a leader a war general i have many traps i have 15 farms trap was ranked 13 th global last week def  and i was 24 th offence global i am always well ranked ,, I want kingdom peace i am a vault of knowledge i know everything i love teaching people and giving them fun i am a war general i dont want to fight with anyone i want to be your war general to where i can make desicions or the leader if you think im right for your clan let me know bye
19 июль 2019, 02:5919.07.19
19 июль 2019, 22:19(отредактировано)
Come to Nordic Thunder kingdom 775! We are looking for active players who love having fun and working as a team family!! Here at Nordic we value our players and share in the spoils. If you are interested in fun and great conversation with awesome people Then this is the place for you!!! 
19 июль 2019, 03:0419.07.19
19 июль 2019, 22:18(отредактировано)
My name has gone through many changes..you can find me in Nordic Thunder Membership as Mila of Thunder in elder Section
24 авг. 2019, 22:5024.08.19

Family team in Kingdom #1 (wallia) is recruiting t7 players for glorious victories! Please contact any elder before flying! 

1 сент. 2019, 18:3601.09.19
1 сент. 2019, 18:38(отредактировано)

Somos un clan joven llamado Dalarna, ubicados en el reino 372 (Gaalyanorg), buscamos jugadores activos sin importar su influencia, siempre y cuando les guste jugar y competir, somos todos de habla hispana (jugadores españoles, centroamericanos y sudamericanos) y contamos con fortaleza y podemos ayudar a los de menor influencia para que crezcan rapido, los esperamos !!! como nuestro clan es regulado deben venir a nuestro reino y peticionar entrar al clan, los recibiremos con gusto. Cualquier duda que tengan pueden comunicarse con la jefa del clan o con algun anciano antes de usar el drakkar para saltar de reino!!!