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Kingdom 327 gets screwed again.

Kingdom 327 gets screwed again.

7 июнь 2020, 00:4207.06.20

Kingdom 327 gets screwed again.

I thought  Plarium fixed the scoring for the Kingdom Battle. 

They just screwed us over again.  Why can Plarium stick to their word.

The last kingdom Battle, Plarium said they made a mistake they fixed the score and said everyone would receive gold as a my bad.

We have not received anything, they just did it to our kingdom again.

With dam near the same score they screwed us over with last time.

Plarium please explain why yall keep lying to us? 

Why have yall not given us our gold? 

Quit screwing us over.

8 июнь 2020, 06:0008.06.20

Leroy Jenkins said:

I thought  Plarium fixed the scoring for the Kingdom Battle. 

They just screwed us over again.  Why can Plarium stick to their word.

The last kingdom Battle, Plarium said they made a mistake they fixed the score and said everyone would receive gold as a my bad.

We have not received anything, they just did it to our kingdom again.

With dam near the same score they screwed us over with last time.

Plarium please explain why yall keep lying to us? 

Why have yall not given us our gold? 

Quit screwing us over.

Hello, Leroy Jenkins!

Clarify please the exact days of battles that are you writing for. Waiting for your answer and thank you in advance!