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Flegsibel - 742 (USA, Canada and Dutch clan)  We looking fun and musclesFlegsibel - 742 (USA, Canada and Dutch clan)  We looking fun and muscles

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Flegsibel - 742 (USA, Canada and Dutch clan) We looking fun and muscles

14 май 2020, 13:0814.05.20

Flegsibel - 742 (USA, Canada and Dutch clan) We looking fun and muscles


"We are so funny that we forget the muscles"

20 jarls of a 850B clan, No 3 after the big two Russians. were looking for friendly new jarls. we are not extremely active but normal.

we would win our CVC and wanna be teached!!

Please come over to our cute warm and friendly clan, no restrictions of influece or other skills

"contact Swan" CCW-U  CandyCrew Kingdome 742