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Recruiting Players for kingdom 270, Clan: MT270

Recruiting Players for kingdom 270, Clan: MT270

12 апр. 2020, 08:4012.04.20

Recruiting Players for kingdom 270, Clan: MT270

Greetings, Jarls! 

If you are looking for a group of experienced players to learn and grow with, MT270 is the place for you! We are a small, but effective clan who hasn't lost a CvC in months and our kingdom regularly places in the top two in kingdom fury. Your size doesn't matter as long as you are active and like to win. We are currently a clan of only 13 people, but we are actively recruiting intending to grow in numbers. If you are interested in joining us got to Kingdom 270 x:318 y:404 and message the chief. Or you can message me on Line, my line. ID: poodawg69

I hope to hear from you soon. Good Luck and have fun!
