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Want to grow stronger?  Be part of an active, winning Clan?  If so, Skullcrusherz is for you!!!Want to grow stronger?  Be part of an active, winning Clan?  If so, Skullcrusherz is for you!!!

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Want to grow stronger? Be part of an active, winning Clan? If so, Skullcrusherz is for you!!!

22 окт. 2019, 18:4022.10.19

Want to grow stronger? Be part of an active, winning Clan? If so, Skullcrusherz is for you!!!

Are you an active Vikings player looking for a fun and friendly Clan that can help you grow stronger while you have fun, win clan events and enjoy the benefits of a Level 3 Stronghold?  If so, then, Skullcrusherz is the Clan for you.  We are a medium-sized clan full of active, experienced players that have fun together.  

We are free to play friendly but also have members who spend on the game.  That being said, there is never a requirement to spend any money on the game.  You can play however you like as long as you stay shielded and communicate with the group.  If you are having trouble growing your town, our Chief will be happy to help you come up with a plan to maximize your time in game while making it more fun at the same time.  If you get stronger, the Clan gets stronger, so it is a win win situation!

If this sounds good to you, feel free to reply here or contact me (The Full Jarl) in game.  Hope to hear from you soon!

Clan: [5ku1l] 5KULLCRUSHERZ

Kingdom: Syudeaverg (743)

16 дек. 2019, 20:3716.12.19
12 март 2020, 17:1412.03.20
12 март 2020, 22:0512.03.20
Hi im new, can i join? What kingdom is it? 
4 июнь 2020, 16:1404.06.20
5 июнь 2020, 18:3505.06.20
6 июнь 2020, 19:01(отредактировано)


How many active players in your clan?

I liked my current kingdom, but not the same atmosphere (no respect for nap).

I have only 8 million influence, I’m at level 21. I’d like to know how to get drakkar.