BitterSweetPea said:
..... So, what's the verdict? Do I put it in my Guardsman set or add it to the growing list of detail related disappointments?
I am still rather new to the game.
I don't know everything about the game.
However, I believe your question is not so simple.
There is a deep rooted argument which can be made on whether or not you should use Taaffeites on Guardsman set.
The issue is you are confusing the situation.
I will try to unravel the confusion:
First - I will start of by saying:
I believe the Total Offense Gems (Taaffeites) have nothing to do with your Hero Offense.
Hero Offense is used against Invaders.
Total Offense is used in military application with your troops.
The game breaks your heroes bonuses down into 3 different classifications.
If you go to view your hero bonuses, You will find the following Information:

Total Offense doesn't show up here because it has no correlation between your hero vs. invaders!
Total Offense shows up in your Military section which is your hero + troops vs. other rivals players.
Thus, Total Offense gems will not help your Hero do more damage vs. Invaders.
However, This is where things get tricky!
The question you asked is should you add Total Offense Gems to your Royal Guard (Invader) Set.
Image - you are attacking Uber Invaders.
You kill the Uber invader. What happens?
The Uber invader makes a lair which you can farm at that point.
Sometimes, other players will send troops to your lair with out realizing it
Keep in mind, We are talking about accidental lair fights.
If a player wanted to kill your troops in a lair on purpose, They would put a Military set on to fight vs. your Invader set.
The situation I am talking about is usually when both players have an Invader set on + both players are farming tons.
In the heat of the farming they send troops to a lair because its empty.
A Battle can take place if both sides are not in a peace shield or if there is no domain guard.
This is where having a Military gem in your Invader set could be helpful!
Total Offense or Defense or Health.
The situation I am talking about is very specific.
However, It makes sense!
Some players have decided to add Taaffeites or other Military gems to there invader set.
I have also seen people add other types of gems to there invader set.
I have seen players add things such as
-Hero Energy
-Hero Energy Restoration
-Yielding Speed
-Troop Capacity
-Food Production
-Lumber Production
-Iron Production
-Stone Production
-Silver Production
The Invader set up I enjoy using is the following:

I believe this set up is very good for the Casual Spender & F2P players.
I will say this set up is probably not great for Heavy Spenders.
It all comes down to Energy Refills!
If your the type of person which drops tons of cash on the Energy Packs, Than puts 500k energy on there hero.
This set up isn't for you. lol
When your hero is maxed out in Energy, You will not restore any more energy.
This makes Hero Energy gems + Hero Energy Restoration gems a non-factor.
Ideally, the set up I am showing you is good for players who put only a couple refills at a time.
or Free 2 play players which can't afford buying refills from bank.