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Vikings tool that calculates every piece of material needed for all hero equipment pieces

Vikings tool that calculates every piece of material needed for all hero equipment pieces

24 нояб. 2018, 07:0224.11.18

Vikings tool that calculates every piece of material needed for all hero equipment pieces

I made a tool to save time (and trees) because I got tired of using 10 pages in a notebook to map out what materials I need in order to make one single piece of the new special gear. You know the ones- one piece of the new special gear needs 4 pieces of special equipment to make it, those pieces each need 1-2 other pieces plus 1-2 materials, those pieces need 2-4 materials each. 

The tool linked below is a full searchable list of ALL hero equipment available to build as of 11/18. The tool will calculate every piece of material you need to collect to make every item needed to build your chosen equipment (even the pieces that contain other pieces), as well as tell you which invaders to hit.

I have found this to be a HUGE time saver, because you can also delete sub-pieces from the list once you build them and they are immediately removed from the materials counts. This lets you constantly have an up to date list of what is needed without re-writing it all the time. I have even included a place for you to track the amount of each material you currently own so you can easily see how much more you need (this is the only part you actually need to input yourself).

**The link below has been edited for direct access. Make your own copy to use the tool. Enjoy! :-)

Vikings searchable equipment and materials calculator

**update- the tool now has a page that tells you each individual piece you need to build to get to your goal piece AND the count pages are color coded red/green to help you see what you still need to collect if you enter wht materials you currently have.
26 нояб. 2018, 03:2426.11.18
This is the best tool ever! I just copy what I need to the new sheet and it tells me what invaders to hit and how much i need of every material, so easy!
2 дек. 2018, 18:3302.12.18
3 дек. 2018, 05:49(отредактировано)

Tool has been updated to highlight # of materials needed red if you don't have enough legendary materials, green if you do. This requires you typing in your materials list from the forge, which only takes a few minutes. I also fixed a couple of typos in it. 

Shaman equipment has been requested multiple times. This is being worked on, I promise! Be patient for this one please! :-)
15 дек. 2018, 10:1015.12.18

update- A new page has been added, it will now tell you how many of each equipment piece you need to build so you don't have to scan the whole build page to count them up.

Feel free to offer suggestions in the blog comments (link is in the first post here) for what you would like to see added, and please be patient waiting for the updates. :-) 

1 янв. 2019, 18:4101.01.19

changed the link over to a direct link instead of through the blog to make it easier to get to. 

You still need to make your own copy of the tool in order to use it, I will not be granting anyone edit rights for it so nothing gets changed by accident. 

If you notice a mistake/typo in it, please contact me and I will log on to fix it ASAP, it has gone through multiple sets of eyes and is working great!

20 янв. 2019, 19:2620.01.19

NEW PAGE ADDED TO THE TOOL!  There is now a page that provides suggestions for hero gear pieces that give the biggest increase for each gear category. 

This page assumes you have a separate set for each category, there are a few pieces (not listed in this tool) that give less of a boost but can be used across multiple sets.

Look up your desired set on this new page and it will tell you what gear pieces to copy from the master list page to the build page.

18 апр. 2019, 20:1318.04.19

The broken piece count page has been fixed and is back on the public tool. Whew!

Also the shaman page is about half done, it will go live on the public ctool once it is finished and verified. Those who have contributed donations have access to the working copy where you can access everything that has been done prior to it being published to the public tool as a thank you!
26 май 2019, 13:3326.05.19
Uau, great job!!!
2 июнь 2019, 01:3102.06.19
This will help me get a handle on this game I have not been able to understand. Great big THX TO YOU.
7 окт. 2019, 19:4907.10.19
I notice that Reggvid's Hauberk is not listed under the equipment 
8 дек. 2019, 19:5608.12.19
Reggvid's Hauberk (siege armor special)  is missing from this spreadsheet.  I must say it is brilliantly done!  Is there a way we can have this added?  Thank you, and truly thank you for the effort you put into this 
23 июнь 2020, 12:5223.06.20
Any chance you will be including the special equipment pertaining to the various troop types?