Hi. Been a while...
@Ivar Marksman sure? it is not a question I have, but a bug I met...
But least I can say is I did not explain quite well... and as I have been able to reproduce quite well in the mean time, I will try and explain better:
So, to begin with, bug happens when I click on the victory claim button after a fight in dungeon.
Then, as I managed to find out after a while, problem is related to window focus.
Scenario 1: if I keep focus on game window during fight (or take care to clic somewhere back in game window at fight end), then all goes well and claiming victory leads back to dungeon where I can choose next room to explore...
Scenario 2: if I focus on another window on my comp during fight and directly clic on victory claim button, then the problem occurs: dungeon screen intercepts the onclick event too, and if there is a path down, I am immediately directed there.
My guess is that dungeon screen is simply hidden and keeps lying behind when victory screen is present, and that bug could be worked around changing buttons placement (avoiding alignement) if not fixable.
What I keep wondering is: which component is to be considered buggy: game, Unity, browser (Chrome), window manager (Gnome), system (Linux), a mix of ?..
Anyway, not a big issue, just a minor inconvenience.