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Hey all need advice

Hey all need advice

27 июнь 2022, 14:2027.06.22

Hey all need advice

Hey guys, I'm a new player, Palace lvl 23, I'm still learning the game. Long story short, all upgrades are costing something fierce now. I have millions and millions of some RSS and practically nothing of others. I don't want to simply ask for stuff, so I'll be more than happy to trade rss. I have some gold and speed ups, so the lack of some rss is what's hindering my progress. Thanks a mill in advance https://100001.onl/

27 июнь 2022, 14:4527.06.22

Yiel lvl 6 tiles near POP

if you have enough drakkars I can help you with rss

27 июнь 2022, 16:0527.06.22
27 июнь 2022, 16:13(отредактировано)

Bumba's suggestion  

Yielding from the faster tiles might help in the short term, but seems a quick fix solution rather than a long term answer.

Moving kingdoms might not be possible.

My response

Not that new, if you are already palace 23, though I believe you can get there faster now, especially if you have deep pockets.

You seem to have an unbalanced economy so you might need to fix that.

Being in a clan would help, but you said you dont want to ask for help,and I read recently that hyper farms are old news now.

It should be simple enough to balance your own economy  ,even as a single player, the easiest would be to yield from the tiles with the rss you are short of.

Otherwise switch production and boosts and skills, however maybe at Palace 23 you could be lacking the ability to do this, if you are spending resources carelessly. 

27 июнь 2022, 21:5727.06.22

Your idea not to ask for help is a mistake.  A clan benefits when its members can develop without suffering the sort of shortages you describe.  Moreover the amount of rss you need is trivial.  In all worthwhile clans rss is provided to developing members and, in time, you will help provide rss to newer members.

27 июнь 2022, 22:2127.06.22

In my 5 years of playing and experience, it is always better to be great at a few things than average at them all. Back when hyperfarms were needed to help everyone grow we each took a rss and silver. Donated to a clan bank so that your town was always producing and you could withdraw from the clan bank when rss were needed.

Of course now that tiles are 250m and rss packs are so cheap. You can get mega packs with trillions of rss for $4.99. Just dont open them all at once but only what you need.

This game is not meant to be played solo, but as a clan each helping each other in knowledge and power.

28 июнь 2022, 13:0728.06.22

I  thought it wasn't clear if he was in a clan or not.

You are right about it being a cooperative game, but many now are either cutting membership, or going solo.