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Hero sets walkthrough

Hero sets walkthrough

24 июнь 2022, 14:2824.06.22

Hero sets walkthrough

Like many before, I have never been comfortable with their operation, and still am not, and so because of this, and havng little need for them, seldom use them.

Though at some stage I may have got them to work as they should, the last twice I have tried I have wasted resources, because I lost what I created, when returning to what I had.

I need an easy to follow walk through, I have looked for official guides on the forum or through the internet, but not found anything useful this far.

4 июль 2022, 15:4404.07.22
4 июль 2022, 15:55(отредактировано)

Thanks for the answers.

I see the other comment has been removed, so cannot respond now as I had intended .

I looked at the video, it was slightly better than the one I found, but it was still not direct to the point,and  there was too much distraction, by the presenter who for me has strange pronunciations of the game features.

Though some may need the explanation of how too make a new set, I wanted to know how to return to the set I had, where I  think I mistakenly clicked activate and wasted the resource.

I feel Plarium needs to create a proper explanation and maybe simplify the procedure.

New buttons, with create new set , use new set, and return /go to another set.

Rather than the confusing (to me)  current replace and activate buttons.

Anyway once you figured something out , and used it a few times it becomes simpler. 

It's now also rather moot for me,  I had had no response  so I just remade a set using all the points and  have kept that.

I  presently have little need in switching again,I only wanted to rearrange invader skills to better attack ubers, but I found  somewhere along the line they did a  drop switch ,and the single items are a  load of stuff they weren't previously , most of which are useless to me.

Except now I realised my free energy is less and need the other set back

5 июль 2022, 11:5505.07.22

Thanks for the answers.

I see the other comment has been removed, so cannot respond now as I had intended .

I looked at the video, it was slightly better than the one I found, but it was still not direct to the point,and  there was too much distraction, by the presenter who for me has strange pronunciations of the game features.

Though some may need the explanation of how too make a new set, I wanted to know how to return to the set I had, where I  think I mistakenly clicked activate and wasted the resource.

I feel Plarium needs to create a proper explanation and maybe simplify the procedure.

New buttons, with create new set , use new set, and return /go to another set.

Rather than the confusing (to me)  current replace and activate buttons.

Anyway once you figured something out , and used it a few times it becomes simpler. 

It's now also rather moot for me,  I had had no response  so I just remade a set using all the points and  have kept that.

I  presently have little need in switching again,I only wanted to rearrange invader skills to better attack ubers, but I found  somewhere along the line they did a  drop switch ,and the single items are a  load of stuff they weren't previously , most of which are useless to me.

Except now I realised my free energy is less and need the other set back

Thank you for the feedback, xyz, I have forwarded it to the devs🙏

Stay tuned!

5 июль 2022, 18:3605.07.22

Activate (Activates said set)

Replace is meant for replacing.. (for example you got a melee setup with town gear equipment, but if you changed all your equipment pieces with FORTRESS GEAR and then click replace) You will then replace the hero set with a new equipment.. So everytime you activate this set, you will now equip fortress gear. 

This can also be done with skills.. You then have to click reset skill beforehand, pick whatever skills you want, then click replace. Voila, you've edited your set. 

It really isnt rocket science. 

I'll go over the keywords. Activate (Activates the chosen set) .. Replace (Edits your set, but if you havent changed any equipment or skills) Well you didnt replace nada either. 

7 июль 2022, 12:0207.07.22

xyz: I found the sets come into their own once you have developed several different troop types with skill sets to match. Then with a simple click you can change your hero strengths and gear from melee to siege or to whatever troop type you have set up, and where every % advantage seems to help, (and where situations can change quickly as in Jot). I also have a more generic one for farming and knowledge.  

 And I agree I struggled with learning that after resetting all the skills as you like them you then have to go back to the hero icon and click on "replace" to save the new settings. A save button seems more logical to me.  

7 июль 2022, 15:5507.07.22

 I was going to respond to John,but  now there's also  you Pipkin. 

  I understand the basic theory of sets, and that there are circumstancess when they might be useful, and that this need may have changed as has the game. 

I had considered an idea for an early game use of a set, but given the cost in gold at a time when it was in short supply, had abandoned  the concept. 

When I first started playing  I think sets operated slightly differently to they do presently, either that, or the fact I hadn't needed or used this function meant I had forgotten how they worked.

I  think the terms activate and replace are confusing, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure, though I didn't  need to,because the set  I had just  created was 'live' ie 'active', after finishing I pressed activate,and I lost the set I had before. and wanted to keep, go back to,I didn't want or need to replace anything as I had just opened another slot.

To me 'replace' suggests deleting a redundant one. or switching to a different set .

Having reread what John, wrote he seems  to be talking of a different kind of 'replace' where you just change the gear and leave the skills the same.

I do not know if they are looking at creating a video to explain, changing the buttons,or both.

7 июль 2022, 21:0507.07.22

xyz: John is pointing out that after clicking on the hero icon you can change just the gear and save the new gear setting by clicking "replace." To change hero skills you have to open a separate skill set window to re-allocate your skill points. The bit I was trying to point out is that you then have to close that skill set window and you need to re open the hero window to access the "replace" button to save your new skills settings.

There is the option in the skill set window to save your new skill setting in a separate "available slot" but I soon ran out of those.

(If you activate a different hero set without saving you lose any changes you made - as you have already discovered).  

8 июль 2022, 09:3108.07.22

What happens about Aesir, town skins and hero skins?

I take it that an Aesir and a town skin remain in place and working when a set is changed but what about a hero skin?  Do you have to re-equip the hero with the skin after making a change?

I am currently slogging through secret knowledge so my knowledge undergoes fairly constant (tiny) changes.  I don't fancy updating skins after every knowledge change but I suppose I could let a few secret knowledge improvements accumulate before changing skins.

John 2

8 июль 2022, 09:4508.07.22
8 июль 2022, 09:48(отредактировано)

The hero skin is not included in the saved skill set. You have to remember to change shaman,  boosts, and the aesir, as well if needed.

8 июль 2022, 12:1708.07.22
8 июль 2022, 12:25(отредактировано)

no  im  talking  about  the  very  same  thing  you  are  asking. 

Just  think  of  replace  and  activate  as  "edit"  and  "use"  there  is  just  2  buttons,  excluding  the  delete  button.  

best  way  to  learn  the  mechanic  is  just  experiment.  

get  3-4  hero  set  slots.  Make  yourself  military,  farming  and  invader  set.  Might  aswell  just  delete  all  your  existing  ones  and  redo  them  all.  

first  make  one  set  on  the  first  slot  and  save  it  there.  Reset  skills  and  then  reallocate  all  skills  again  and  save  it  to  another  open  slot.  

now  that  you  got  2  sets,  its  important  that  when  you  activate  the  slot  number  1  That  you  do  not  click  replace  on  the  second  set  or  else  it  will  be  a  replica  of  the  first  set.  

when  you  want  to  do  edits,  you  need  to  activate  the  set  you  want  to  edit  first  and  then  reset  skills  or  swap  pieces and  then  click  replace  on  the  same  set  youve  activated.  it  will  be  marked  with  a  star  in  the  right  upper  corner  in  the  hero  set  tab (the  set  that  is  currently  active)  

the  moment  you  click  replace,  the  edit    is  done.  You  do  not  click  replace  beforehand.  You  have  to  do  the  changes  first.  

8 июль 2022, 12:4408.07.22

xyz: John is pointing out that after clicking on the hero icon you can change just the gear and save the new gear setting by clicking "replace." To change hero skills you have to open a separate skill set window to re-allocate your skill points. The bit I was trying to point out is that you then have to close that skill set window and you need to re open the hero window to access the "replace" button to save your new skills settings.

There is the option in the skill set window to save your new skill setting in a separate "available slot" but I soon ran out of those.

(If you activate a different hero set without saving you lose any changes you made - as you have already discovered).  

I don't  remember  seeing the '' (save your new skill setting in a separate "available slot" )''  

I believe I lost what I had  already and wanted to keep, not what I had just created, I guess there must, or should be a, 'save current set,(to a new,unused, just deleted slot )before restting skills '

8 июль 2022, 20:1908.07.22

I don't  remember  seeing the '' (save your new skill setting in a separate "available slot" )''  

I believe I lost what I had  already and wanted to keep, not what I had just created, I guess there must, or should be a, 'save current set,(to a new,unused, just deleted slot )before restting skills '

dude just go delete one of your sets. You will now see save button where it usually says activate. 

This is why it says replace afterwards when you click onto a set, because there is a setup there and if you make changes and click replace, this is the new save function. For what else is replace if it isnt replacing something that is existing. 



9 июль 2022, 11:0209.07.22
9 июль 2022, 11:07(отредактировано)

xyz: what may have happened in your case is that you had updated your skill points but not saved them and  they stayed as your default until a later date when you tried activating another set, at which point you lost the default set you had been using .... that is speaking from personal experience lol.

9 июль 2022, 13:3109.07.22
9 июль 2022, 13:51(отредактировано)

Thanks to you both.

It's not that I didn't see things , it's more like  I don't remember exactly what happened and when and how. because I was in a rush, didn't know what I was doing so made mistakes.

Yes Pipkin,that does seem more like it.

John, although I have been playing a long time, and know a lot of other stuff, no way near everything because of all the updates they made, which am no where getting,as this is only a baby account. 

I do not have masses of gear, so have little need for sets, but wanted to create one specifically  for Uber attacks, though gold is more plentiful now, the benefits from Ubers is poor, as has like the rest of the game  been downgraded compared to what it was, so will probably not be switching sets much.

There's a difference between  'replace  only gear and save',and 'replace set', and if you are not familiar with how it works, ''replace's'' meaning isn't clear, at least to me.

Congratulations that you got it figured out for yourself, when I first looked gold was too precious to waste on trial and error, and switching to an energy rich set up regularly, what you get when  trying to be efficent, rather than flashing the cash about.

I think much of the tactics of them game  has been lost, since the game has become more of 

'you can have everything,and right now ' by spending.

9 июль 2022, 14:3709.07.22

Thanks to you both.

It's not that I didn't see things , it's more like  I don't remember exactly what happened and when and how. because I was in a rush, didn't know what I was doing so made mistakes.

Yes Pipkin,that does seem more like it.

John, although I have been playing a long time, and know a lot of other stuff, no way near everything because of all the updates they made, which am no where getting,as this is only a baby account. 

I do not have masses of gear, so have little need for sets, but wanted to create one specifically  for Uber attacks, though gold is more plentiful now, the benefits from Ubers is poor, as has like the rest of the game  been downgraded compared to what it was, so will probably not be switching sets much.

There's a difference between  'replace  only gear and save',and 'replace set', and if you are not familiar with how it works, ''replace's'' meaning isn't clear, at least to me.

Congratulations that you got it figured out for yourself, when I first looked gold was too precious to waste on trial and error, and switching to an energy rich set up regularly, what you get when  trying to be efficent, rather than flashing the cash about.

I think much of the tactics of them game  has been lost, since the game has become more of 

'you can have everything,and right now ' by spending.

No buddy, the set itself is saved on each specific slot tab. You can change only gear or you can change only skill points or both with the very same button "Replace" this in turn will replace whatever was existing on that very slot. 

I tried to give you the explaination on the very first comment. 

To just make the whole process simple, just delete a set and it will show save instead of activate instead of the whole process of replacing what was on that slot from before. 

with "replace" you could make slight changes to skillpoints on a set by having the set active. Then you reset your skills, pick what you want and then go back to hero set tab and press replace on that same set to then save the new changes. The procedure is just the same if theres equipment you wanted differently on that set, you wear what you want for this set and then click replace.(Without pressing reset skill) because it was the gear you wanted changed. 

10 июль 2022, 03:3010.07.22

Apologies for not being smart enough to understand that which you first wrote.

Actually on rereading it , I may well have done, but it appeared not to explain where the set I wanted to go back to  had gone.

I certainly knew that you gear can be changed on the hero,and without the need for a set, I also knew about reassigning skills, but I wasn't wanting to do that except  for invaders skill, anything else wasn't needed  as I was wanting to go back to my usual set which gives higher free energy.

I created a new slot for the new set, and this is where I made the mistake according to Pipkin, because  I 'lost '? my basic set, it was replaced, without me clicking any of the trio of buttons, I am pretty  sure I only clicked 'activate'.

Actually  having looked, I am not sure now if I even lost the set I wanted to keep, or I just remade it as there appears to a higher hero energy set in the set list, it is  currently *d  

11 июль 2022, 12:5711.07.22
11 июль 2022, 13:09(отредактировано)

Apologies for not being smart enough to understand that which you first wrote.

Actually on rereading it , I may well have done, but it appeared not to explain where the set I wanted to go back to  had gone.

I certainly knew that you gear can be changed on the hero,and without the need for a set, I also knew about reassigning skills, but I wasn't wanting to do that except  for invaders skill, anything else wasn't needed  as I was wanting to go back to my usual set which gives higher free energy.

I created a new slot for the new set, and this is where I made the mistake according to Pipkin, because  I 'lost '? my basic set, it was replaced, without me clicking any of the trio of buttons, I am pretty  sure I only clicked 'activate'.

Actually  having looked, I am not sure now if I even lost the set I wanted to keep, or I just remade it as there appears to a higher hero energy set in the set list, it is  currently *d  

Ofc you can change your equipment without a hero set. 

With the hero sets you can change outfit and/or skills with a single button click(Once saved) by clicking activate. 

Since you now have a set in the hero set tab, now try change a single piece of equipment(by changing it like you normally would)

Then go back to your hero sets, click on the set you have active(not activate) click on the beige box of that set and then click the "replace" button.

 Now you've changed the set and you will instead wear that new piece instead of that equipment piece that was there earlier. This is how you edit an already existing hero set, by pressing replace. 


11 июль 2022, 18:1111.07.22

Thanks I will keep that in mind, for now I will keep my gold, it may be more useful later on.

18 июль 2022, 10:3918.07.22

Thank you all for this informative thread. While it took me FOREVER it seems to figure out the skills  part of the sets I have, this thread will most definitely help others down the line. So thank you xyz for starting it and thanks also to both John and pipkin for such informative answers. 

THIS kind of thread is what makes the Forum such a great resource!