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difference in influence between cvc opponents.

difference in influence between cvc opponents.

9 май 2022, 08:5409.05.22

difference in influence between cvc opponents.

I am small clan of barely 8 billion influence. Why am I playing a clan of more than 150 billion influence?  How is this fair? And please do not insult me by telling me to ask a question.  I have done this many times with problems and have never even received a response from support. What a ripoff this game has become. 

9 май 2022, 14:0609.05.22
9 май 2022, 22:03(отредактировано)

 Simple answer is.  

In their infinte wisdom on such matters, this is the way it is supposed to be. 

Or, like it or lump it, it's the way it is.

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, and make room for those that want some heat.

I have been searching on the forum for up to date information for CvC assignment,but without success.

Best I found was  'League of Rookies: 1,000,000,000–50,000,000,000
Influence ' which is only indicative, as it doesn't fit your situation. 

In some respects you probably would rather have no opponent, than one that is pointless to try to vanquish. 

The situation is much complained about, and many of us would like to
be able to compete with at least on paper,a foe we have some chance

Some of us have been put back in the nursery, and newly hatched will take time to be released. 

While they lump rather than split, there's always the likelyhood of
coming up against someone at the top of the chain rather than in similar

Update below,

I had completely forgotten about the players with itchy feet, who hop
about , because it feels so good to do, especially after two days, when
the billions of resoures that they fleeced roll in. 

9 май 2022, 18:2209.05.22

Hi rafi dalton! Before the Competition is announced, all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs according to their Influence. Pairing also depends on the level of activity of the previous Clans Battle participants. This level is defined by the number of checkpoints reached. In the end, there are 4 groups for selecting a pair:

1. Clans that didn't earn points or earned few points and didn't even reach checkpoint 1.

2. Clans that passed checkpoint 1 but didn't reach 2

3. Clans that stopped between checkpoints 2 and 5.

4. Clans that passed checkpoint 5.

Anyway, if you notice the unusual difference between you and your opponent, please inform the Support Team: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/problems

Our specialists will check the issue and answer all your questions🙏

9 май 2022, 19:5809.05.22


What I have seen happen in the past is that the biggest players in the clan leave the clan and then rejoin after the draw is made. They can't score points for invaders etc but they can help in a seige and spoil yours. As Ivar suggested I'd raise a ticket. You'll probably get an answer saying the draw was correct at the time it was made, but for me this practice is cheating by manipulating the draw and the more players who raise it in game hopefully Plarium will eventually acknowledge this. There are numerous other posts on this topic along with requests for people to not be able to join clans after cvc draw is made until after cvc and also for only your opponent to be able to attack your seige.

10 май 2022, 12:5910.05.22

I doubt that the admin post is accurate.  Surely there must be at least one more criterion, namely that a clan will not be paired with a clan they have met before.

If so the pairing which the OP complains about does not seem very unlikely.  That is because there can be very few (if any) other active 8 billion "clans" and not so many active 150 billion clans either.  Which makes it not unlikely that they will be paired sooner or later.

It is the same at the other end of the spectrum.  The grotesque Wild Retribution is half as big again as the second ranked clan which, in turn, is over twice the size of the third ranked.  If I am right to think that the top two cannot be matched against each other every week it follows that top clans will often enough find themselves very heavily outmatched as the OP complains that his "clan" is at the other end of the draw.

A good solution, which I commend to the OP, is to join a real clan.

10 май 2022, 14:5210.05.22
10 май 2022, 15:25(отредактировано)

'A good solution, which I commend to the OP, is to join a real clan.''

 First, this suggests that the topic raiser isn't part of a real clan (WHICH IS POSSIBLE) or that if real, is of so little significance, it ought to go, even if it is a really cohesive clan, and second,is not really a feasible option, nor a magic bullet solution to the situation described. 

 In the case of being insignificant, perhaps a disclaimer before signing up would help: 

''Don't join the game and upset us,or the very committed,often time rich ,or extremely weathly  by not taking the game as seriously they do, and as is expected of you) ''

Big clans do not want diddy players, many are shedding their numbers, or splitting and creating  Strongholds  all over the place, and cluttering the map in a way derelict towns never have, which is why I suggested these strongholds could be visibly smaller.

Thirdly, if all these troublesome clans just evaporated, it is even more likely that the big clans, including the draw manipulators, night find themsleves with a less welcome prospective choice of opponents and  a win harder to come by.

I am sure we all know the real reason why what is done, is done, by  both the perpatrators and those that sanction it.  

11 май 2022, 16:5411.05.22
Ivar Marksman

Hi rafi dalton! Before the Competition is announced, all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs according to their Influence. Pairing also depends on the level of activity of the previous Clans Battle participants. This level is defined by the number of checkpoints reached. In the end, there are 4 groups for selecting a pair:

1. Clans that didn't earn points or earned few points and didn't even reach checkpoint 1.

2. Clans that passed checkpoint 1 but didn't reach 2

3. Clans that stopped between checkpoints 2 and 5.

4. Clans that passed checkpoint 5.

Anyway, if you notice the unusual difference between you and your opponent, please inform the Support Team: https://vikingsweb-support.plarium.com/web/en/problems

Our specialists will check the issue and answer all your questions🙏

This is obviously a generic responce generated by a machine as I did specify not to try and convince me to generate a support ticket as I have done a number of times without so much as even a response.  This game is truly a scam. 

12 май 2022, 06:5812.05.22
12 май 2022, 06:59(отредактировано)
rafi dalton

This is obviously a generic responce generated by a machine as I did specify not to try and convince me to generate a support ticket as I have done a number of times without so much as even a response.  This game is truly a scam. 

I am sorry that you feel this way, rafi. I suggest ticket creation because only the Support Team has the necessary tools to check the matchmaking. Please stick to them to receive the most relevant information regarding the issue🙏