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Is there any way to beat the new cheat system in cvc

Is there any way to beat the new cheat system in cvc

22 дек. 2021, 19:3022.12.21

Is there any way to beat the new cheat system in cvc

We were matched against a clan 900 bil that became 5 trillion then 15 trillion

They came to our kingdom and took pop

They conducted multiple seiges with ally

The excess inflence in clan left to join other clans and exploit the mechanic with more seiges esentially  winning with multiple clans and allies in other kingdoms

Whats the point of cvc if your fighting  kingdoms that are just farming shards and resources from clan events to feed their kingdom

The use of seige to win 3 tiers of cvc is unbeatable even if you build more troups and buildings and kill more invaders

Adding points for pop can be manipulated as well as all the reputes you then have to contend with.
