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stronghold under siege

stronghold under siege

6 дек. 2021, 13:4506.12.21

stronghold under siege

good morning I am writing to you for a complaint in the rules of the clan vs clan battle , clans are assigned following the logic of influence , so a clan with 5,000,000,000 influence would in theory have another clan of equal influence as an opponent , ok that's fine, but in this type of battle it's not, because when a clan decides to open the siege of the stronghold, any clan can attack the stronghold. , hence a clan of 5,000,000,000. can be attacked by a clan with 20,000,000,000. of influence. , do you think it's correct?I understand it's a war game, but that's not good.  

plarium technicians should apply the same rule as the battle of HOLMGANG where only the enemy clan can attack the ramparts.  only in this way will it be possible to have a fair battle for the clans.otherwise it is useless that there are all the leagues that go according to the influence of the clans.  

I hope that the plarium will be able to correct this flaw in the battle of the clans.  

Yours sincerely 

7 дек. 2021, 13:4107.12.21

Hi Antonio! Thank you very much for your feedback! It's been forwarded to our specialists. 👍