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Translation Issues

Translation Issues

6 нояб. 2021, 00:3106.11.21

Translation Issues

I have a member who is from Myanmar, and speaks little English. How can I communicate properly with this member using translation apps if the game does not support their language characters?

6 нояб. 2021, 08:5506.11.21

Thank you for your feedback, Mr Jack, I have forwarded it to our specialists for the further consideration😎👍

9 июль 2024, 19:4409.07.24

There are a few ways you can communicate properly with your member from Myanmar who speaks little English, even if the game itself doesn't support their language characters:

1. Leverage Translation Apps with Visuals:

  • Text-to-Translate Apps: Utilize translation apps  like Google Translate or Microsoft Translator. These offer voice and text translation features. Speak slowly and clearly in English and have the app translate it into Burmese text for your member to read. They can then type a response in Burmese, which the app can translate back into English for you.
  • Image Translation: If the game relies on visuals for communication (e.g., icons, symbols), consider using image translation features in some apps. Take screenshots of the game interface and translate the text using the image translation feature. This can help them understand basic instructions or options.

2. Explore Third-Party Communication Tools:

  • Discord: If your game community uses Discord for communication, consider using a translation bot. These bots can translate messages in real-time between English and Burmese, facilitating smoother conversation.
  • Social Media Groups: Explore Facebook groups or other social media communities dedicated to the game in Burmese. This can help your member connect with other Burmese-speaking players and potentially find a translator within the community.

3. Utilize Non-Verbal Communication:

  • Emojis and GIFs: Encourage the use of emojis and GIFs to convey emotions and basic ideas within the game itself. This can be a fun and expressive way to communicate without relying solely on language.
  • Visual Cues: If the game involves strategy or teamwork, utilize visual cues like pointing, drawing on maps (if available), or highlighting specific areas to guide them.

4. Consider a Long-Term Solution:

  • In-Game Language Support: If your game has a large enough Burmese player base, advocate for adding Burmese language support within the game itself. This would significantly improve communication and inclusivity for Burmese members.

Things to Remember:

  • Be Patient: Communication will likely be slower using translation tools. Be patient and allow extra time for back-and-forth exchanges.
  • Use Simple Language: Speak or type in clear and concise English sentences when using translation apps. This will improve the accuracy of the translations.
  • Encourage Participation: Despite language barriers, find ways to include your member  in the gameplay experience. This will help them feel valued and motivated to learn English further.