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Cheating or Pure Skill?

Cheating or Pure Skill?

3 сент. 2021, 14:2503.09.21

Cheating or Pure Skill?

I am a fairly new player in the game, however am not an absolute ignorant when it comes to games in general.

Well, since I started playing this game the only thing I noticed which indicates some sort of cheating is big players attacking as soon as someone's shields are down no matter where he is on the map.

Today I went to the borders of the map and I lowered my shield for literally 5 seconds, and guess what! a big player immediately burned me from the center of the map.

I have a maxed-out tower and it cannot show you towns further than 30km let alone players who just lowered their shield on the final frontiers of the map! 

I have been burned the same absurd way a few times now and I gave the benefit of the doubt to each of those but this one I cant just take it. My question is are there 3rd party tools to achieve that type of performance and what should I do now to report the player?

3 сент. 2021, 14:3903.09.21

Either someone is picking on you or it was just your bad luck. What you describe also happened to me when my town was small. Powerful players constantly scanning the grounds for a prey. It's all part of the game. Until you grow bigger, you will constantly need to worry about this.

3 сент. 2021, 14:4803.09.21

Either someone is picking on you or it was just your bad luck. What you describe also happened to me when my town was small. Powerful players constantly scanning the grounds for a prey. It's all part of the game. Until you grow bigger, you will constantly need to worry about this.

To have the patience to keep scanning the map all day like you have nothing else better to do seems kinda futile for someone who is level 40 and can kill troops in more efficient ways like siege or something. I am still certain that some players are using 3rd party tools that can spot towns far away. 

3 сент. 2021, 14:5703.09.21

If a clan is large ,or is  'friendly' with other clans, they may have a whole network of players on the look out for  potential targets.

The other thing that strikes me is your habit , and it's this that may have got you into trouble.

First situation, the watchtower is only supposed to show 30km, so its quite difficult to hit you quickly from far away, unless they now where you are, and have spent on superspeed.

Second, if you have painted a target on your back just the once, and have kept repainting it, then they are going to be on the lookout for your activity and whereabouts as you are seen as an asset.

There is no need for a third party tool, there is already one in the game that can track you.

3 сент. 2021, 16:3803.09.21

I didn't realize people invest so much in the game to literally devote their existence for only one player! Kinda makes me despise the game even more.

Concerning why I was shield down is because I kept attacking a dead town to achieve monthly quest, and I kept shielding up every time until I got lazy for 5 seconds, the whole process took less than 10 minutes by the way.

Thanks for the reply tho.

3 сент. 2021, 23:1203.09.21

It probably isn't just you.

I  do not know how many attacks you needed in the 10 minutes, nor if the rewards gained outweigh the cost of repetative shielding.

You may have just been unlucky that the time you were being lazy for 5 seconds you were spotted without the shield.

9 сент. 2021, 10:0609.09.21

Maleman: big players need un shielded towns to attack, ie they need to kill large number of preferably higher level troops for the rewards of soul shards. Attacking the usually low number of  low level troops farming tiles is not worth the time and effort. Hunting the kingdom boundaries where rookies like to think they are out of sight is worthwhile - live and learn. Be extra careful farmng ghost towns during cvc - the oponent members can scroll down your clan members list - see exactly where each of you are, how long since you last logged in and decide if you are worth checking on.

9 сент. 2021, 10:1909.09.21

I learned the hard way too, a bigger player stumbled across me farming ghost towns, added me to their contact list so they could  follow me as I hopped around the kingdom farming ghost towns, and as I got more confident / reckless I got hit. You can always ask the person who hit you how they found you.

12 сент. 2021, 17:4112.09.21

Hi Jarls! Kindly note that you can report to our technical team all cases and they will definitely be checked 👍

You can send the request through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:

Thank you in advance!


12 сент. 2021, 21:3212.09.21

Most  likely  someone  saved  your  town  in  thier  mail. This  way they  can  follow  anywhere  you  go,  even  other  KD'S.  I  do this  often  when  hunting  folks.  When  I  see  someone  hunting  dead towns  and  may  not  shield  quick enough  3-5  seconds  I mark  them and  attack  every  chance  I get.  Never  drop  your  shield  more  than  that.  I  shield  immediately  after  every  attack.  The  cost  of  8hr  shield  is  minimal.  Use  event  gold  to  buy  100  each  week.  Total  gold  100k👍

5 дек. 2021, 22:0105.12.21


Just as Dreddslayer said above if it takes you 3 seconds or longer to shieldup then your going to get marked.  I also mark these players and when the right event comes along,I'll come visiting! Believe me I learnt the hard way!! 

23 дек. 2021, 08:2923.12.21

Or maybe it's just that the supposedly dead city you attacked was someone else's personal farm. Then he didn't specifically pursue you, but instead marked the ownership of his farm.