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Holmgang  competitive imbalance

Holmgang competitive imbalance

23 авг. 2021, 14:0023.08.21

Holmgang competitive imbalance

There is  major problem with Holmgang. In the last event a 61 trillion influence clan from a different league joined our Holmgang. They could not compete in the event, but were there just to attack other Clans. We are 6 trillion influence and the Clans were about the same size as us.  Afetr having multiple towns burned the Clans that were there to compete in Holmgang finally gave up and left.  It was not possible to fight them as every onne of their towns were 40 level and fully developed.  This is ruining Holmgang and must be stopped!

24 авг. 2021, 01:5024.08.21

I was under the impression that you were drawn against one other clan in this competition, so what you write doesnt seem to make sense. 

However if what you are saying is true, and another strong uninvited clan  somehow muscled in , into your event I would agree you have a cause for complaint.

Otherwise, if you are complaing that you were drawn against someone  far too strong for you , thats a different situation, and one that might be remedied, by the recent changes they made to Holmgang requirements.

24 авг. 2021, 08:3024.08.21

Hi! During Holmgang the Clans whose applications to participate have been submiited are put in waiting of their Competition phase mode, in which they can relocate to the Islands of Trials and attack other Jarls. These actions provide points for personal and Clan achievements in the Competition.
Remember that Clan is a power! Keep together, and I'm sure that you will defend your enemy Clans next time.
Have a good day! 💪

24 авг. 2021, 12:3724.08.21

Ivar, that is a ridiculous answer.  I know how Holmgang works. But if  we are expected to compete against Clans 10 times our strength that is a slaughter not a competion. None of the clans in our Holmgang could fight them as we were all about the same strength. So all of the Clans gave up up and left after having many cities burned.

24 авг. 2021, 13:1624.08.21

I understand what you mean and this can be a detrimental experience for the smallest clans in the grouping.

As you say, a 6 Trillion clan in a grouping together with a 61Trillion. They have far more numbers and can set onslaughts on your towns when you are doing the attack phase and quickly burn you while you're in wrong gear to defend your town(because you are attacking towers) 

We had this happen a few times, only advice i can give is to move your town everytime you join an onslaught, the main issue is that you need speed also to take down the towers fast enough.  

17 окт. 2021, 09:5017.10.21

Situación ridicula! Un Clan que ya a ganado 45-0 a su rival se queda en el reino a masacrar a jugadores de Clanes más pequeños. Debe ser divertido y muy lucrativo para ellos pero a los Clanes modestos no nos permite competir contra nuestro rival asignado. Por que cuando un Clan termina su competición en la Isla no es devuelto a su reino? La solución no es hacer un Clan gigante, la solución es no participar. Que respondes a eso xyz? Parece que nunca entiendes lo que comenta la gente o que quieres darle la vuelta para quitarle importancia y dejar a los jugadores que se quejan como responsables de los fallos y arbitrariedades que comete Plarium.

17 окт. 2021, 12:5217.10.21

I was curious as to what the above said and  because my Spanish is inadeduate for all the nuances, I used a translater and as part seems directed at me I will  answer it  in English and let Notardes translate it back.

He wrote

Ridiculous situation! A Clan that has already won 45-0 against its rival stays in the kingdom to massacre players from smaller Clans. It must be fun and very lucrative for them but modest Clans do not allow us to compete against our assigned rival. Why is it that when a Clan finishes its competition on the Island it is not returned to its kingdom? The solution is not to make a giant Clan, the solution is not to participate.  What do you answer to that xyz? It seems that you never understand what people are saying or that you want to turn it around to downplay it and leave the players who complain as responsible for the mistakes and arbitrariness that Plarium commits.

First, I tend to read every post, try to understand the situation and reply with help if I can.

Apart from when the game isn't working  I know how the forum can be and understand what it is like to get no response to questions asked.

I wasn't trying to downplay anything. 

As I initially wrote, I was not familar with Holmgang, but from reading the text I understood it was like CvC , in that you were drawn against some opposition and you only fought against them. 

I  thought I could empathize with the situation, and was in ageement that it was bad, from stronger players muscling in from when CvC was a free for all, and would be attacked by stronger players because they could, and likely they were otherwise bored  because players of equal status couldn't be.

Perhaps it's as you wrote. but I agree  with you that they make mistakes when introducing new concepts, but sometimes players do make mistakes as well. 

Like answering posts when they are trying to understand and learning how things are working.