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Holmgang disadvantage

Holmgang disadvantage

27 июнь 2021, 04:2727.06.21

Holmgang disadvantage

I read after a previous upgrade that the difference in fortresses strength between both teams were resolved. In todays Holmgang I got to fight fortresses lvl 7, 8 and 9. Enemy got strength 2, 5 and 6 to fight. Some equality there, lol! Surely I didn't waste my troops on such 'fairness'.

Furthermore, destroyed fortresses were immediately replaced by new ones lvl 3, 4 and 7

Wow, sounds so awfully fair. Thanks Plarium...


28 июнь 2021, 18:0928.06.21

If you  get  to  attack  lvl  9  towers  in  the  first  round,  its  not  guaranteed  you  will  defend  lvl  9  towers  next  round,  but  troughout  the  play  span  of  3  hours  you  will  have  the  equal  amount  of  towers.  

30 июнь 2021, 10:5930.06.21
30 июнь 2021, 10:59(отредактировано)

For  small  clans  this  is  a  really  big  issue.  By  the  time  we  get  through  a  lvl  8  or  9,  if  at  all,  enemy  destroyed  enough  small  ones  to  have  the  advantage.  i  hope  i  don't have  to  spell  out  that  any  fortress of  4  or  less  is  destroyed  in  no  time.

30 июнь 2021, 16:1130.06.21

What is a small clan?

For bigger clans its all about having multiple OS set and sent at the same time, after all plarium troops have been killed to be able to overcome enemy clans first march and doubles. The difference in clan strength, troop setup and attendance plays a big role aswell.

A 3T clan in optimal condition can kill a lvl 9 tower in 3-4 hits, but once there are defenders inside it will take some hits to fight trough. A big tower like that and persistance to burn it down is what makes a win in cases where both clans are doing their best with tooth and nail. Surely if one clan do attempt, but fail, you can end up losing on points. If you do not try and the enemy do make it. Then you have lost aswell. There is no real easy answers. Being able to gauge the enemy comes handy and for a lvl 9 tower being defended will be tough YES! Next time try not attack theirs and collect some info on your enemy to keep in mind for future battles. 

He who defends everything, defends nothing. Smaller towers will fall. 

30 июнь 2021, 23:1730.06.21

As clan under 1.5T influence I also see the rng towers are often unfair. 

seeing lvl 3, 7, 8 towers on enemy and lvl 1, 3, 4 on our side. 

they just have to defend lvl 3 tower and we defend lvl 4 tower and lose the other 2. 

next phase lvl 4, 1, 9 on enemy. lvl 2, 5, 9 on our side. they defend lvl 4, we defend lvl 5 & lose  lvl 2 

last phase lvl 2, 6, 9 on enemy. lvl 7, 8, 6 on our side. lvl 2 is well defended and enemy does not attack our towers. 

Score total 7:1... troop losses to knock towers was much higher on our side & they get 2 phases with easy defence. Old mirrored towers were fine.

5 июль 2021, 13:2505.07.21

As clan under 1.5T influence I also see the rng towers are often unfair. 

seeing lvl 3, 7, 8 towers on enemy and lvl 1, 3, 4 on our side. 

they just have to defend lvl 3 tower and we defend lvl 4 tower and lose the other 2. 

next phase lvl 4, 1, 9 on enemy. lvl 2, 5, 9 on our side. they defend lvl 4, we defend lvl 5 & lose  lvl 2 

last phase lvl 2, 6, 9 on enemy. lvl 7, 8, 6 on our side. lvl 2 is well defended and enemy does not attack our towers. 

Score total 7:1... troop losses to knock towers was much higher on our side & they get 2 phases with easy defence. Old mirrored towers were fine.

That's exactly our situation, only we are only about 800b and so was our opponent. Frankly I really prefer small clan combat, but in this case the system obviously is not prepared for that. I think it is a bit optimistic to suggest clans of 500b or higher can play because I'm guessing 2,5T would be a more realistic minimum base on how the system works today.