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29 май 2021, 18:4329.05.21


Can anybody explain to me how the reports work?  

Why when somebody attacks me when I am farming or in my own town, there is no way of having the full report of the battle?  In my opinion, it doesn't have any sense that someone attacks me in my own place, some troops survive but there is no way of knowing what happens...  I know about the boost to hide the information, but even though... Is there any way to have a full report? 

I would love to see the complete report, so I can know the weaknesses of my army, and be ready for the next time.

Thank you very much in advance!

29 май 2021, 19:1329.05.21

The victor in the battle receives quite a lot of information including how many troops were engaged, whether hero and/or shaman was present and the relative strength of the troops engaged.  The loser simply learns how many of their own troops were engaged and and how many of their own troops and the enemy troops were killed/wounded in the battle.

If you have joined a clan click on"Clans" then "Battles" and you will see a list of recent battles you and your clanmates have engaged in.  Click on one shown in green (for a victory) and then on "show more details".  Now when you click on each of the troop types engaged in the battle you will see their stats.  What will soon become apparent is that green troops, lacking bonuses from knowledge, troop upgrades, hero skills and equipment, aesir, town skins, achievements etc. etc. etc. fight at a fraction of the strength of fully developed troops.

If you have not yet joined a clan and want to see the sort of information available, attack a couple of nearby size 4 towns.  They are likely to have a tiny number of troops, you will win the battle and that will give you a battle report.  As the troops in such a town will be wholly undeveloped you will also be able to see some base figures.

In case it should be helpful a common mistake is to think that higher tier troops will win against lower tier troops.  That is not so, how developed the troops are and the total numbers on each side are much more significant factors.  Fully developed tier one troops will have significantly higher stats than undeveloped or only partly developed tier IV troops.  So early on focus on improving your tier 1 troops and expect to use them in battle not the higher tier troops which Loki will give you or which (God forbid) you might buy.

29 май 2021, 20:3529.05.21
29 май 2021, 20:38(отредактировано)

There used to be much more information, but they changed this.

Though its not going to make much difference  to the reports  you can  stop the town attacks by having a shield. 

However, as John wrote,its likely that the attacker  has much improved  troops, but sometimes its just a matter of numbers.

The attacker can see what you have, and send the appropriate number to ensure the win, also  send the kind of troops that are stronger against those that you are using.

You will get more information on an incoming town attack, if you improve the watchtower.

30 май 2021, 07:1230.05.21

Thank you both for the answers, they are very helpful 😃

About the watchtower... Until now I don't know which is the real use of it... It supposes to give information about the enemy, but as I told you in my previous post, I have received several attacks, and the report doesn't show the info it supposes to show... and that makes me crazy. Somebody stronger than me appears next to my town, attacks me, gets everything from me, and flies out away... And I don't even know the troops he used, it is very crazy! 😂

I will put into practice the advice that you both told me. Thank you again for the answers 🙂

30 май 2021, 15:0330.05.21
30 май 2021, 15:25(отредактировано)


In case I mislead you, the Watchertower isnt going to give you more information in the battle reports.,only what is imminently incoming,assuming you have increased the level sufficiently. 

However,if someone teleports in ,you may not have time to see the warning messages,so aside from the game forcing players to level up in the town,spending on the Watchtower may not be as useful as it once was, especially with the newer higher levels, if you never suffer an attack on the town.

Its main use is to see what is near to you,the current maximum range has recently been dropped down to 30 km. 

It was probably much more useful in the past when gold was much scarcer and players would have to attack from long distances, as relocations would have been more of a luxury, that they no longer are.

Another simple thing you could do is increase the wall and vault level, which you also have to do anyway, but the simplest and only sure way to stop attacks on your town is to shield up.

If you have nothing in town to kill or steal, you might get away with being without a shield if enemy towns realise there is nothing to gain from attacking you, so though they are cheap, it still costs 2 of them to jump in and away and becomes less economic to do so.

Having nothing in the town is easier to accomplish with a differant strategy, especially if you are in a well organised clan, where you can send your resources and troops to a shielded town.

I do not need to play your game for you, making mistakes is one way of learning, as is going your own way because you may learn something that advisers are unaware of.

The game changes rapidly and some advice becomes obsolete.

If you are currently struggling to find enough gold for shields, rethink your game, even step back from activity for a while ..

If you can't protect your resources or troops, spend what is in excess of your vault limit,  dont heal your troops after a town battle, they are safe till they are healed, stop production, especially silver, and yielding, and then make sure you log in every day for a month to collect  and use your freebies, of hero energy, tasks, quests and bank gifts, after this  time you should have a sufficient cushion to restart . 

30 май 2021, 16:0130.05.21

I appreciate your advice a lot. I am still a noob in this game, so any advice from veterans in this game is welcome. 

Thank you again for your advice and your time to share this information 🙂

30 май 2021, 18:5230.05.21

Cant really safely bet to take a hit in this game when 250b players can send 20-25m troops in a solo attack. When multiple people combine their attacks it can be 140million troops. 

So best advice till you grown ALOT is to keep a shield always. If attacking, shield as fast you can. Maxed players have like 18000 offense with 1 single T7. Multiply that by 25m. If your troops dont have more than that, you'll be a bonfire.