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Plarium become way too greedy

Plarium become way too greedy

17 март 2021, 17:3117.03.21

Plarium become way too greedy

The moderators and creators of this game are asking us to stop playing. I am in the process of deleting 2 accounts - 34th lvl both

I am leaving myself lvl 35 and 32, but I am also close to deleting them

Why? the first accounts were on one kingdom in one clan. I had troops on them that I made from raw materials and boosts that I bought from Plarium. I BOUGHT THEM AND PAYD FOR THEM !!! The troops are mine because I devoted my money and my time to them.

During Jutun, I attacked my twins with the main account to gather resources. And what? and these Plarium assholes "punished" me by blocking access to the bank. Funny - I help them and block my access permanently by deleting accounts - it takes some time and you have to send emails several times, but in the end I was successful.

  Now about the main account - I buy Hero's Energy from them, with my own money, I take the time to kill invaders and when I collect the required resources ... I have a 70% chance to upgrade. BUT !!!!! this is bull shit - because 3 times in a row I have Failure at lvl 8. It means that these thieves are just stealing my money and forcing you to buy Hero's Energy again - it's too much.

This game has become too boring and the creators too greedy. Time to find something more interesting that does not take so much time and money

18 март 2021, 00:0218.03.21

In-Game Rules - Viking War of Clans

"2.2. Breaking the game's balance is prohibited, including: 

attacking your own additional Accounts in an enemy Kingdom; "

You did not buy the right to break the rules with impunity.  When you find something more interesting, try playing fairly.

30 окт. 2021, 19:4230.10.21
30 окт. 2021, 22:09(отредактировано)


The In-Game Rules  do NOT prohibit,  "attacking your own additional Accounts in an enemy Kingdom; " 

The correct citation is:

2.2. Breaking the game's balance is prohibited, including:  

  • Intentionally creating conditions for an enemy's victory,
    fixing fights with controlled results, deliberately losing any battle
    with the purpose of winning a Competition, and other forms of



There are legitimate reasons for transferring resources between Accounts. After all, transferring resources between Accounts is the sole purpose of the Market.  The official way to transferring resources between additional Accounts  is to all join the same clan and transfer with the Market however, if you own multiple Accounts then, it is likely that they have differenent  home Kingdoms so, in order for additional  Accounts to join the same clan, the Drakkar Item is necessary to move each Accounts to a common kingdom.

Unfortunately, Plarium has opted to make The Drakkar Item exceedingly scarce which greatly impedes the ability to all join the same clan.  The Drakkar Item is only available from Bank offers ( you must pay $$ ) nevertheless, Drakkars are still exceedingly scarce  therefore, when your attempt to get all Accounts in the same clan is impeded due to Drakkar scarcity    then, attacking your own additional Accounts becomes the ONLY way to transfer resources.

P.S You may be thinking well if I keep my additional Accounts below Palace level 6 then, I can move  for free with the Novice Relocation Item but, BEWARE In order to transfer resources in significant amounts you will likely need a higher level Vault and perhaps a higher level Market also.

30 окт. 2021, 23:0730.10.21
31 окт. 2021, 18:17(отредактировано)

quickwise accurately copies the first bullet point in rule 2.2.  What s/he failed to do is to read on.  The relevant rule (cited above) is to be found in the fourth and fifth bullet points.

31 окт. 2021, 23:4731.10.21


You have restated the same mistake you wrote on another thread.

The novice jump no longer exists, so there is no, "beware of upgrading the vault or market "